Chapter 3

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Hey readers, thank you, every one of you for reading my story, commenting, voting, and even fanning. I would just like to mention that all Copyrights © 2011 go to RosaRosa13 and all rights are reserved.

© 2011


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Bye Rose xxx

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Stop! My mind went blank. Before things got any crazier than they already were, I allowed myself to race to the bathroom. I lock the door, and turn on the tap on. After letting the water run for a minute, I splash ice cold water on my face, and let them drip to the floor.

I close my eyes and breathe. After about two minutes there’s a knock on the bathroom door.

“Honey, are you alright in there?” my mum asks, in her soft voice.

“Yeah mum, just felt a bit dizzy, nothing to worry about” I reply back.

“Alright dear, hurry up you have to leave soon and I want to spend what little time we have ‘till you go together.”

“Sure mum” I say.

I wait till I hear her footsteps walking away, when I look into the mirror. All I see is a sad girl looking back at me. Be strong, be strong, I think to myself. Don’t let weakness show. I grip the sink tight and stare at nothing.

Then I add a touch of lip gloss, tuck my stray hair behind my left ear, wipe away the water left on my face and stand up.

Be strong. I open the lock and walk into the kitchen with my head held high. I sit on the chair closest to me and begin to eat my jam toast with my favourite juice, caparison orange juice. I take the first three bites of my toast before I look up. I see my mum and sister eating their breakfast in silence as well.

Before I could utter a word, my sister says to us “What did you dream about?” she looks at me with expectant eyes and I answer “I had a dream about vampires”

“Ok, what about you mum?” she turns to look at mum.

"Well I dreamed about our family on a nice picnic in the park. What did you dream about honey?”

“Well, I had a really cool dream about me being the cleverest person in the world, and my best friend was (she drops to a whisper, as if this was a massive secret only her family can know) …the Queen of Fairyland.”

“How wonderful, I wish my best friend was the Queen of Fairyland.” They both laugh together and continue to eat their breakfast.

The rest of breakfast continues in a comfortable silence with the odd comment. As 8:40 rolled in we finish our meal and wash the dishes.

We put our coats on and mum and Ally went off to do who knows what, while I go to my room and quickly grab something that had been hidden under the floor boards under my rug for a while now.

It was a picture of me with my family back when I was young. Before everything changed. Before it. No, no, no, not this memory again, I made a vow and I will stick to it.

I quickly stuff the photo into my coat pocket and grab what I need to collect. It was two cards; one for my sister with fairies and such on it and a small fairy doll covered with wrapping paper printed with her name in lots of nice fonts on it : and a rose necklace and card for my mum with a poem I wrote myself for her on the card which went like this:

Dear Mother of Mine,

How I wish I could care,

Like how you love me,

With your stress and work,

I never really appreciated you fully,

But now that I have begun,

My time has ultimately gone,

I have learnt,

What should have been learnt,

A very long time ago,

I realised that you loved me,

More than you could ever have loved anyone,

You cared with all your heart,

And you gave it all to me,

But it’s too late to take back the past,

But there is time in the future,

To learn what has not been learned,

And to learn to love as much as you can,

Dear Mother of Mine,

I love you now more than I ever could before,

With love from the heart,

With a deep real meaning,

I love you,

Dear Mother of Mine,

And I hope I have finally grasped,

What your Mother Love really means to me and my heart. XxxX.

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