Chapter 2

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beeeeeeeeeep!!! Ugh, what is that annoying sound that’s stuck on full repeat? I think to myself, as unconsciousness slowly fades away, leaving my sleep-induced brain half asleep wondering where the hell is that noise coming from.

Then I wake up so suddenly, the world begins to spin. My head falls back on my pillow. I switch my alarm clock off and stare up at the ceiling.

This is it. The day that I will be leaving my family and staying at Aunty Tamsia’s house. I wonder where this foreign calmness came from. Well, might as well get the day over with sooner rather than later.

I get up and go to my attachment bathroom. After washing my face I look at myself in the mirror. I look like someone else. I used to be such an open, daddy’s girl, who spends all her time watching TV with her family and playing games, that sort of thing. But that’s all changed. After it. And this new me came and took charge as soon as we moved. Now I have a good circle of friends, and I am funny, sarcastic, chatty, but that’s all on the outside for show. It’s all some act. Inside I am quiet and different, and when at home I like to keep to myself. Things I used to like I now no longer like, things I used to do, I no longer do. I am too different to do those pastimes.

I get changed as though I am on auto pilot. I wear blue jeans, a tank top underneath a floral knee- length dress and ballet flats. I wear my hair in a high pony-tail; put some waterproof mascara and my favourite colour lip gloss on, cherry pink, and I’m ready to go.

I take a couple of deep breaths; grab my two suitcases filled to the top with my reading books, writing pads, pencils, and note books that I have miraculously fit into the two suitcases. I have one last look around at the bedroom I have been practically living in for the past four years.

My bedroom is a light shade of blue on two sides and a pale purple colour on the other two sides; I have a shaggy deep purple carpet and a fitted wardrobe, and books and notebooks covering every inch of space available, but now its as barren as when we first got here, all pictures and possessions in my magical two suitcases.

Deep breaths, deep breaths I think, counting to sixty-seven as I descend down the steps for the final time, holding a suitcase in each hand.

As I get to the bottom I see my mum and sisters' suitcases already packed and ready to go. I am going to leave the house first with Tamsia at 9:00 am, while mum and Ally (my sister) are both going to be picked up by Aunty Mislay at 10:00 am, which gives me and my family an hour and a half till we depart from each other.

Putting my bags at the foot of the stairs, I get my leather jacket and place it with my other belongings that I will take with me. I walk into the kitchen, to see Ally already eating her breakfast, with mum’s breakfast left uneaten next to her plate, while mum herself makes me jam and toast for what could be the very last time.

 You see, if my dad doesn’t make it from his coma then mum and Ally will live with Aunty Mislay and I will have to live with Aunty Tamsia, gulp, permanently, or at least till I get a place of my own which is not going to happen any time soon. This thought alone makes tears brim up in my eyes. Even though we will see each other once or twice a month, as time will go on I know that we will become more distant as though our roads in life have never crossed before. We will be like old friends you have lost all contact with despite a few visits every couple of months. Even though we will be two countries apart, the distance between us will be like we are living at different ends of the earth.

Stop it! Just stop! I scream to my ranting mind. Stop. My mind stops, turns numb, changes to a blank page, forgotten and left unwritten. A story lost in years of neglect-ion. My mind has turned silent, for once in my life, it has stopped.

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