Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next day..

Guess What?!

Second day of school our NCM teacher surprised us with a group project and its due after 2 weeks!


"This task will help me determine how many of you are aware of what things to do during a labour.", the teacher said.

The task will be a re-enactment of an emergency labour. But because there is even number of boys and girls in our class there will be two people in each group consisted of 1 boy and 1 girl.

Both of them will figure out the right way for having a successful labour. A manniquin will represent the pregnant patient.

She pulled out a cute little jar full of small paper rolls which contains the names of the boys. "The girls will be the one to pick the name of their partner from this jar. I'll tell you when to open", she said

She went around the room and let each of us girls pull the name of their partner.

The Teacher finally reached the last row.

Tiffany closed her eyes and pulled one.

Rose did the same.

Then there's me doing the same thing.

"Okay girls, you can open it now." the teacher said.

I took a small peek of my paper. I saw a letter 'r'. I know my partner's name will definitely have an 'r' on it.

I opened it.





the paper says Brian!

I don't know whether to be happy or not. Now that Rose is acting different towards me since the small incident happened. I dont know!

Tiffany and Rose went to my seat.

Tiffany looks happy and contented from who she got.

SHE excitedly whispered "I picked MIKEY! yey"

Anyways Mikey is Tiffany's first love. I know right she has Brian but she still has a crush on him even before they started dating.

I remember when the school sent me and Mikey to a competition. Me and Mikey got closer. He told me that he likes Tiffany. I don't want to tell Tiffany though because she already have a boyfriend.

By the way, Mikey is the quiet smart, handsome, and rich guy. Many people says that he's cute . Girls often call him "The cold beauty" because of his cold personality and handsome face.

And then I noticed Rose's happy face. She got Maria, I know youre expecting a guy name right? But Maria is the only gay in our class. He wants to be called Maria instead of his true name MARIO.

"What about you Belle?" said Tiffany.

"I got him", I said while pointing to Brian with my pouted lips.

I saw Rose's weird reaction again.

"Oh that's good. I feel comfortable. Now that I'm sure that no girl will be flirting with my boyfriend", said Tiffany.

Our conversation was distrupted when the teacher said, "Okay girls go to your partner and start planning about what you should do."

I went at Brian's seat. Brian was pretty amazed that Out of all the boys, I got his name.

He looked so happy. I dont understand why this couple seems so happy yet they're not together in this project. Do they really love each other? I asked myself.

"Hi Bella, I'm so lucky to have you as my partner. Nothing to worry, you're so smart." He said to me sarcastically.

I just smiled on him and then all of us started to plan about our project.

Brian wants to have a practice every weekends. But the question is, where are we gonna have that?

He suddenly asked me. "Do you want it to be in your house or in my house?"

I dont know what to answer. I don't want it to be in our house nor In their house. Omg! im being picky again.

"Bella? Have you decided? "

Ahmmm, we can practice in our house every Saturdays then Sundays is in your house. So it will be fair for both of us." I said to him.

OKAY. He winked on me.

Chapter 5 soon. Thanks Guys for reading.

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