Chapter 2 || AKA Devilishly Smart

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Zebediah Kilgrave walked through the streets of New York looking for a new apartment to stay in for the next week. He rubbed his lower back, damn Jessica, why do you have o be like this?

He heard shouting, which was unusual for this time of day, and it wasn't just normal arguing shouting: it was children he realized. Kilgrave rolled his eyes and headed over to the commotion. "Children shouldn't be heard, and better yet, nor seen." He muttered hastily and rounded the corner.

A gang of children surrounded a small girl, from what he could tell she couldn't be older than 15.

"All of you be quiet now!" He shouted, rubbing his temples. They all stopped where they were. "Now each of you go back to your homes and don't ever cause this much havoc again. Go on now." He waved his hand dismissively, all except for the girl dressed in purple left.

"I said," he pointed to the street, "go away."

"You can do it too?" The girl asked in a hushed tone. "Don't ask questions." He snapped, "now go!"

Kilgrave grabbed his hair and threw his arms down in frustration. "I said go home!"

"I said go home." She repeated. He took a step back before shaking his head. "STOP IT YOU FOOLISH CHILD!"

"For your information, I'm thirteen."

His mind jumped back to fourteen years ago, for him those were the best days of his life. He close his eyes and pointed. "Go away."

"You." She challenged. "No, you."

"I'm obviously immune to your control freak powers and you to mine. I suggest we make a deal, old man."

"Don't call me old!" He growled. "Relax old man, you like tea I presume?"

"No I bloody hate it." He mumbled, even though this child annoyed him to bits, he was becoming to like with her.

"Were you born in the UK?" He asked her, once they started walking. "That's none of your business!" Said Zila.

"I don't know your name....?"

"Call me Zi, and let's leave the questions at that."

"Your whole name?" He pestered. "Oh shut up!" He looked at her then looked away just as quickly, "Whatever."

He stole another quick glance at the young girl. They sat down in the corner with their own steaming cups of tea. For the most part they sat in silence, both stealing glances at each other.

"Why aren't you in school? It's a Thursday." He quizzed.

"I've already graduated." He raised an eyebrow and laughed. "Oh really now?" She leaned against the wall of their booth and crossed her legs. "Yes really. I've graduated from Boston with a degree in psychology, and I went to MIT for genetic engineering."

"You must be devilishly smart then, eh?" She chuckled, "Must be. I do admit that I skipped 8 through 12th grade."

"You can skip all of those years and still make it to college. Your parents must be very proud." His voice cracked at parents, his own were rubbish. Her eyes traveled down to her knitted hands. "My pare- well at least my mother's dead."

He gulped, he couldn't apologize, he just couldn't. "I didn't know."

"My father is probably a no good prick anyways."

"Quite a mouth you have on you." She shrugged. "You are a toilet, or at least you dress like one."

It took Kilgrave a second to realize what she had meant. "Just because I'm an adult doesn't mean I swear."

Zila laughed and took out a price of paper. She scribbled something on it then passed it over. "For another stimulating and intellectual conversation some other time?" He smirked at the girl. "Very well, it was a pleasure, Zi." He stuck his hand to her, for such a stranger Kilgrave respected her. She earned it with the way she treated him as an equal, but he could tell she gave him more respect than she gave everyone else.

Zila took his hand, it was odd for her. Chase had warned her about a man, but this Kilgrave fellow had a past about him that she wanted to find out. The only reason was the truth: the truth why he is her father.

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