Chapter 6 || Power In Your Veins

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"Where the hell have you been?" Chase shouted on the other end

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"Where the hell have you been?" Chase shouted on the other end. "Be quiet!" Zila hissed. "He bloody kidnapped me because you were that damn obvious! You're a blubbering idiot that should die under a rock!"

"What happened?" Chase sighed. "One of his men knocked me out and I was there until an hour ago. Is that what you want to hear?" She hissed. "Sorry. I was just worried." Zila sighed, and ran her hand through her hair. "I'll talk to you later Chase, I need to get some food." Chase coughed. "Bye Zi."

Zila glided down the stairs and into the kitchen. She whistled to herself while stirring the pasta in the pot. "W-where h-have you been?" Came a small voice. "Hello Simon, you want any food?" Zila chose her words carefully. She had almost said 'have a seat' she could never bring herself to use her powers on the one child here that liked her. "Sure. W-what are you c-cooking?" Zila hummed and got out the butter. "Pasta." Simon smiled up at the older girl. "I missed you, Z-Zila." She grinned and turned around to face the small boy. "Simon! What happened?" Zila rushed to his side, examining the purple bruise forming on his eyelid. "It's nothing." He assured her. "Simon please tell me who did this. Don't make me make you tell me." Simon sighed and scratched his black hair. "Eli and Kenny." Zila's gut burned with anger. "Z-Zila your eyes." Simon whispered, scared.

Zila jumped back. "What is it?" Simon looked around then replied in a whisper. "They turned purple. Are you one of those in-humans?" Zila gasped. Purple eyes? "Simon you mustn't tell anyone. Ok? Let's have our pasta now." Simon nodded and looked at his socks.

"Alrighty." Zila sat down next to Simon on a bar stool, serving them both a bowl full of steaming pasta. "Thank you. Can you teach me F-French?" Zila chewed on her food before answering. "Sure, why?" Simon shrugged and ate his food.

"Alright, basics: what do you know?"

"I know h-hello and goodbye." Zila frowned. "Let's start with an introduction. Repeat after me. Bonjour, mon."

"B-bonjour, mon." Zila shrugged. "Not bad. Bonjour, mon nom est Simon."

Once the clock had struck 7 Zila bid him goodnight and went up to her room. "Let's see." Zila flipped through the orphanage book. "Aha Kenny Knowles and Eli Eccles; you're going to have hell to pay." Zila sat in her bed for the longest time reading books. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the clock. 12:47 AM

She smirked. Her plan was about to be in the works. "Okie dokie boys." Zila got dressed into all the black clothing she had, even if it was dark she didn't want to be to recognizable. She snuck down the stairs, making to avoid the creaky ones, and made her way to the boys rooms of 9-11 year olds. Using her flashlight she navigated around he room. "Here we are," she said. Zila put her hand over the mouth of Kenny Knowles and woke him up. "Be quiet and don't move." She commanded. She went over to Eli's bed and did the same thing. "Follow me." They silently followed Zila down the stairs and out into the night.

"You there." She nodded towards Eli. "Knock your head against that dumpster for a minute. And you kick yourself where the sun doesn't shine." Zila smirked in the dark as she heard the muffled cries of the two boys. "Stop."

They both froze. "Kenny punch Eli, just as you did Simon." Kenny did what Zila has said. "Punch him back Eli, harder." She continued to the process until they were to sniveling messes. "Once I go inside knock yourselves out. Make sure everyone can hear you. You will tell no one about me and come up with some lie as to why you were out here."

Zila brushed off her hands like she had done any dirty work, well technically it was dirty work. As she laid in bed with a book thirty minutes later she heard the sound of a siren. She filed with the rest of the kids to see what was happening. They watched the two boys get loaded up, but something or someone caught Zila's eye. Kilgrave was smirking against the fence in his slacks and a rolled up purple dress shirt. She looked around to make sure none of the nuns were watching. "That was very impressive. You did the right thing." Zila shrugged and sighed. "They were bullies, as much as I hate hurting other people they deserved it."

"It feels wonderful doesn't it?" He cooed. "The power rushing through your veins. The way people listen and hang on to your every word. Tell me, does it satisfy you?" Zila swallowed. He won't judge you.

"Yes." She admitted in a quiet voice. "But it shouldn't. I don't want to be a monster." Zila said, tears brimming in her eyes. "Come here." Against her will she was brought into a hug by her father. "Let go." She tried to push him away, but his grasp remained tight. "I'm sorry that you're like this Zila, but eventually you'll come to see that this is a gift. I promise you. If no one else tells you this I want you to know, that I forgive you for everything. I'll say it everyday for as long as you need to hear it."

A/N: Anyone get that quote, literally at the very end??😏 Hope y'all liked it. Vote and comment!

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