Chapter 7 || I'm Not Anorexic You Know

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Kilgrave watched her sleep. He watched her breathing and the way she rubbed her feet against the satin sheets. Something she did. Kevin got up and went for a glass of water. His brown eyes scanned the city as the first bit of light shone through the grey sky. What am I going to do with this girl? I've barely met her, but it feels like I'm so close to her.

Kilgrave's phone buzzed on the kitchen counter. "Hello?" His eyes looked at the clock. "Mr. Killgrave sir?" He frowned. "Who is it?" They responded. "Frank from the testing lab." He nodded. "Very well, what is it?"

"It's a match, sir." Kilgrave almost spit out his water. "What?"

"The hair samples you gave us match. One of them is the parent and one is the child. If that's all I'd lik-"

"Are you absolutely positive?"

"Yes sir, we ran multiple tests like you said to."

Kilgrave pushed the red button and slumped down into the barstool. I'm damned every which way I fucking turn. "Shit." He muttered. "My life is in fucking ruins." He ran his hand through his brown, messy hair. "Christ what am I going to do?" He got up and went towards to the bathroom.

He came out of the shower his hair flattened to his head. After putting on a new suit he made his way over to where Zila was sleeping. When he walked in her brown eyes were staring intently back at him. "Morning." She quipped, seeming to be in a much better mood.

"Zila, we need to talk."

Zila removed the sheets and looked at him. "What's up Kil?" He sighed and carefully sat down next to her. "So you knew about us?" Zila put a look of confusion on her face. "Us?"

"Don't lie." He growled. "I don't know-"

"You're my bloody daughter! You knew this whole entire time and you kept it from me!" He roared. "How could you?" He whispered, the look of hurt in his eyes shown. "All I've done is tried to be nice to you, and this is how you repay me?"

Her mouth parted in shock, "I-I'm sorry Kilgrave." His face immediately softened. "I shouldn't have acted like that. I could've have made this easier." Zila looked him square in the eye. "Could you really? You obviously didn't get the best parenting skills."

"Ouch." He deadpanned. She softly laughed at his dry humor. "Listen Zila, I'm going to try. Very hard that is. I promise you, but you're going to have to help me, okay?" Zila nodded and smiled. It actually hadn't turned out that bad. "So speaking of which, can I call you Kevin now? Since I don't feel comfortable with calling you dad yet."

He nodded thoughtfully. "Understandable, but how-"

"I have my recourses." She smirked. "You want to get some breakfast?"

"You like trying to feed me. I'm not anorexic you know?" He laughed. "Well you sure are thin." She poked his stomach. "Very jiggly, fat man. But yeah I like waffles."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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