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I passed my bags to Rickey as he took them to his car. Yeah, I'm officially moving out of this hellhole and I'm not regretting any of it. Rickey looked at me and laughed, "I just still cannot believe that you are pregnant."

"Shut up, I can't believe it myself." I replied.

"But you'll be a good mother, I promise." Rickey said while giving me a big hug.

I look behind him to see Danielle watching, "And you'll be a good father."

Danielle ran inside of the room and squealed, "You guys are the cutest! Oh my."

"Thank you." Rickey replied.

Wow, he's really good at acting. Maybe he should try to be an actor.

"Come on. Kiss, let me take a picture." Danielle said while pulling out her camera.

"Um Come on now, Why would we? Yeah." Rickey said while looking confused.

"Yeah, my lips are sore from..... uh" I said trying to think.

"Oral!" Rickey exclaimed, "She performed oral on me last night."

What kind of excuse was that?

"Yeah, she had that mouth wrapped around this and she was slobing everyw-" Rickey said before I cut him off.

"Yeah, don't listen to the lies he is telling you because that is one thing that I don't do!" I stated while zipping up my suitcase.

"Why not? I do Ryan all the time." Danielle replied.

Sucking my Cum, Danielle. You're sucking my Cum.

"Well Danielle, I'll explain why I choose not to do that. When us females use the bathroom, we get tissue and slowly wipe. What about men? Hm? They piss and shake it off and let the rest dry up, so really when you put a penis in your mouth, you are really sucking the dried up piss of him which is in fact nasty." I finished with a shrug before turning around and giving Rickey my suitcase.

Rickey chuckled before walking out of the room with my bags.

Danielle just stood there looking disgusted as I smirked and walked out of the room. I walked down the stairs and grabbed my purse before walking towards the door only to see Ryan pulling up in the driveway. I watched him get out and walk towards me, "Where are you going?"

"Obviously I'm moving out of your house and somewhere else." I replied.

"How? Why?" Ryan asked, clearly shocked.

"To the moon where the cow jumped." I replied before walking away.

Danielle walked outside and Ryan looked back at her and then me. I looked into his eyes and saw sorrow. I sighed and put my bag down and started walking towards him. Its always something with him, but there is just something about Ryan that makes me come back to him. I watched his frown, slowly turn into a smile and he held his hand out. I smiled and kept walking towards him, I just cannot let go but this voice in my head told me, I don't deserve this. I don't deserve to be put to the side, I don't deserve any of this. I deserve better. I deserve to be happy. Ryan couldn't give me that. Why? Because he's married.

I watched Ryan stop smiling and put his arm down, I walked towards him and whispered in his ear, "You can't make me happy when you're married. When you man up and be a man, and let Danielle go then we can be together, but until then I'm gone." I pulled away and looked at him before walking towards Rickey as he stood there with the door open, waiting for me to get in.

I turned around and looked at him one last time, "I won't wait forever." I got inside of the car as Rickey shut the door. He walked over to the driver's side and gave me a gentle smile, "I'm glad you did the right thing."

I smiled and looked out of the window as we drove far away.

5 Months Later...

I sat on the couch, eating Ice Cream and watching E News! I'm currently 5 Months Pregnant and I'm as big as a house. Every since I left Ryan, I haven't heard from him and I think that is a good thing. He will never be a man, and I don't need another pussy when I already own one. I rubbed my baby bump and smiled, "Four months to go and then you'll be here with mommy and daddy."

"I'm back in this motherfucker, ya heard me?" I heard Rickey say.

I chuckled before putting down my ice cream, "We're in here."

He ran inside of the living room and chuckled before kissing my cheek ad the baby bump, "How are my big children?" He asked in his full accent.

No we are not dating, He's just really taking this baby stuff to the head.

"We're okay, just been eating everything." I replied.

He smiled, "I kind of figured."

I laid on the couch, going through a box. All of my old shit, just here. I was about to put the box away before I came across "The Contract" I picked it up and laughed.

What the fuck was I thinking? One horny ass female, and now I'm pregnant. This didn't get me anywhere but I'm glad I did, because now I'm carrying this beautiful creature and it all started with a contract.

My phone begun to ring, and I sighed before picking it up, "Hello?"

I was shocked to hear that it was Danielle, and she was crying, "Kendall, please help me."

"Danielle, You've had your baby already so I Know you are not in labor, what is wrong?" I asked.

"It's Ryan." She cried.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked.

The next words she said broke my heart, I dropped the phone and let the tears fall down my cheeks. I should've never left. It's my fault.

"He's dead."

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