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I walked into Ryan's office, and slammed the door. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the laptop that sat on the desk. I sat down and turned faced the camera that shined, signaling the camera was on.

"Yes?" I asked with a fake smile.

"Whoa. I had no idea you would make it out alive, I had a pretty tough team there." The voice said with a chuckle.

"You had only ten men there, so if that's what you consider a team, then hey so be it. Although, there is not much a difference between the amount of people I have, we are one bad ass group and we're prepared to fight. You had a weak ass team there, Danielle." I replied.

"Don't even worry about that, there's more too come Miss Kendall." Danielle said.

"And we'll be waiting." I replied.

"You seem like you had a pretty rough night." Danielle joked.

This bitch just keep testing my patience.

"Listen here, you think you are all bad but you really don't know what you have gotten yourself into. Let me make this simple as fuck for you. I see you, Danielle. You cannot get far. When I catch your ass slipping, I'll be sure to make you suffer. I'll jack your ass up and I'll show you what's worth it, Danielle." I threatened.

I watched as Danielle sat there and stared at me with eyes filled with hate. I don't give a fuck about this bitch hating me, because I hate her ass too and she deserves to know that.

"When I finish up doing what I gotta do at my current location then I'll be coming right back at you. Love yourself while you can, you don't have much time. Check the news too, you were having a barbecue earlier." I finished with a chuckle.

I hung up the video call and sat back, flipping my hair.

"Kendall, I hope you dressed in there. We gotta step out." I heard Ryan say behind the door.

I stood up and walked towards the door before opening it. I looked at his attire and seen him dressed in a suit. I bit my lip and watched him stand there, leaning against the door with that sexy ass smirk on his face. Lord, I'll fuck him right here and right now. I snapped out of my sexual thoughts and smiled at him. Sometimes, you just gotta look at bae like that.

"I am ready, of course and you sir, look sexy as fuck in that damn suit." I complimented.

"and you, look beautiful as fuck in this dress. Daddy can't wait to rip it off of you." Ryan whispered in my ear, while grabbing my hand.

I turned around and kissed him on his lips softly, before walking towards the door.

"Let's go, everyone's waiting." I yelled before running down the stairs. "Alrght guys, remember this is not California. We are in Boston, so be professional. I don't want to ruin Ryan's image here with his business."

"Shut the fuck up. We get it." Rickey said while standing in the mirror, fixing his bow tie.

"Keep talking shit and I promise you that bow tie will be shoved up your ass." I threatened.

"Enough! Let's go. Just smile and don't say anything to the press. I'm pretty sure, August knows how this paparazzi shit goes." Ryan explained.

"Ain't nobody going but you, Kendall, Rickey, and Kasey. Get the fuck out of here already, we trying to watch a fucking movie in peace!" Jasmine yelled.

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