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I am immersed in my book. It’s a remake of the classic story of Cinderella. I just love all stories that have a girl in it that is misfortunate at first and ends up happily with the love of her life. It’s so romantic but very rare in life. The book is called Cinderare, because it’s about a Cinderella who lives in a world where people care little about the wellbeing of others. She has a step-mother and two step-sisters that wouldn’t even cross the road to throw their old blankets to a dying child. In this book, Cinderella is one of the rare humans left on earth that still looks out for other people, despite her own daily misfortunes. I have been waiting 3 weeks for this book and I am very pleased with it so far.

As I am reading, I hear a deep voice above me but I don’t hear what it says. I pull off my glasses and look up. I am looking into the face of a teenage boy who looks no older than 17. He has brown scruffy hair, covering his eyes and dark brown eyes that look like they don’t see sunlight anywhere near enough, probably a high school drop-out. He smiles at me, but it’s not a warm smile. It sends a shiver down my spine and I close my book slowly.

“You look even better with your glasses off” He says, which makes me think that his earlier comment was also about my appearance. “Are you alone?” He asks.

I am Jennifer Roland. I am 15 years old and ever since I was born, I have been unable to talk. Even when I was born, I am told, I didn’t cry like babies normally do. I motion with my hands that I am mute, but the guy must not know sign language.

“What, sore throat? That’s alright, if you come with me, you won't have to speak” He says smirking.

 I grab out my electric piffle, that dad got me when I was in year 2. Usually I have it sitting next to me, but I had it in my bag today because I was afraid that it might fall into the fountain behind me. I am sitting on the edge of the fountain. Using my hands, I write ‘GO AWAY!’ as big as I possibly can.

“No need to be rude” He says sitting down next to me. He lifts his arm and tries to put it around my shoulders. I block it with my right hand. “What, you don’t like me very much?”

I close the page I am on and I pull out a page I use so often that I had to save it into the documents. It reads ‘I am not interested’. I hold it up in front of this person on the hope that he will leave me alone, I really want to keep reading here. He just laughs a little and moves closer to me, it makes me feel sick, he really stinks.

“I get that a lot” He says instead of getting up to leave like I want him to do. “But, don’t worry, you will get to like me after you see how I do in bed.” He grins a disgusting and annoying grin.

I gather my things and get up. I place my glasses in my bag with my piffle and I stand in front of this stubborn and annoying fool, who won’t stop grinning. With one swift movement, I push him into the fountain and I run away as far as possible.

 I look at my watch as I am running. It’s 3:05, 5 minutes till I have to meet Alice, my best friend, at the mall. I run with my bag colliding with my pink, knee-length skirt. I reach the mall and I halt to a stop as I see Alice running towards me with her arms spread wide for a hug. She is wearing green skinny jeans, pink fluoro top and black flats. She has a long strapped black bag laced around her neck. I almost fall backwards as I feel Alice’s impact when she hugs me.

“Oh my God! Jenny, I missed you so much! How have the last 12 long and crucial days without me been?” She says while pulling me to a free table under M’s. “I betcha you couldn’t have any fun without me, hey? I had so much fun in Hawaii, it was amazing!”

I smile at her while pulling out my piffle from my bag on the floor. I place it on the table and wait for her to finish talking.

“The guys there, Jenny, you will not believe how hot they were! Of course most of them were only there for vacation and stuff but they were so hot! I was kinda sad to leave them.” She goes on.

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