Mr Clarke

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“Jenny, I am so glad you came” One of Alice’s friends who I have completely failed to remember her name, even after 2 years says slowly. I feel so guilty. “But…” She says turning to look at the person next to me.

“Why is he here?” Alice asks for her. She seems not angry, but also not very pleased.

I turn to look at Tim who won’t stop smiling for some reason. He shuts his eyes and waves.

“Hi” He says looking around the circle.

“Don’t you, ‘hi’ me!” Alice yells at him. I wonder why she is so against him. He just followed me here and he refused to go away. “I know about you, mister! Don’t act all Mister Nice; your past ain’t so great. You have no right to be around Jennifer”

“And why not?” Tim asks, looking somehow annoyed. “Am I going to eat her? Though, she does look rather tasty” Tasty? Words can mean so much. What does that mean?

Alice growls at him. It looks like she might start fighting him, but instead she flops down on the bench behind her. She looks very frustrated right now. An awkward silence feels the air and everyone stares at the floor. I look around me and everyone refuses to meet my eyes even Kim. It’s like they know something I don’t. Tim meets my eyes and winks. I am startled and my heart beats faster. What is wrong with me today? I must be getting sick.

I look away before my heart can do something weird again. But my face betrays me and it burns. Alice stares at me and doesn’t seem to have anything to say though. She hasn’t even realised that my system got rebooted again.

‘How was everybody’s holidays?’ I ask, in hope of lightening the mood.

A girl, I think her name is Kate, I am not too sure, speaks up. “Mine was awesome” She says smiling proudly. “I got a boyfriend and he is so hot. He is the coolest” She starts blushing furiously. “His name’s Matt”

The whole group goes into an uproar and they start bombarding her with questions, like where did they meet? How old is he? Does he have any hot friends? And so on.

I never fit well in these situations so, I stand up and walk to my favourite spot: under the cherry blossom tree. No-one ever notices me slip away. As I am walking, Tim catches up to me. What is with this guy? Doesn’t he have anything better to do?

“Hey” He says and doesn’t say anything else. I appreciate the silence. This is when I realise that I haven’t seen Thomas yet. I wonder where he went. I’m sure he is fine.

A dangerous thing about the cherry blossom tree is that it’s right next to the field and track team; the stadium. I am a member, but not by will. Ok, maybe I enjoy it a little. I am supposed to attend every day, but I tend to dodge first days back to school. The problem is not that I don’t like the team or the space, the problem is…

A rough, and well-muscled arm, headlocks me and ruffles my hair. I struggle to look at the attacker. He gives me a triumphant smile. I squint because the sun is in my eyes.

“Jenny, I am so glad I found you” The coach says with an icy tone to his voice. It booms around us as if we are in a sound increasing hall. “You see, we have these newbies who could really do with an inspirational person to get their motivational juices running”

I don’t like were this is going and I would really appreciate having my head back. I twist my head to look at Tim, who looks very confused.

Mr Clarke finally let goes of my head and places his hands on his hips.

“You are that inspiration.” He states. “You will do it, right?”

I shake my head while rubbing my neck.

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