Care Group

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School is a bothersome thing really. Stopping and starting throughout the year like it does. It makes us nice and relaxed during the holidays and then when we go back to school, our stress levels and anxiety increase all over again. I love school but school just doesn’t love me sometimes.

Another down point is that we have to wake up early just to get there. It’s really tiring; luckily I can be a morning person. But it’s my brother that I am worried about. To get him up, I had to dunk a cup of cold water on his face. He was not happy but after an hour he was eager to go to school. Mum is going to drop him off so that he won’t be late. I have to catch the bus because mum can’t take both of us.

It takes 5 minutes to get to the bus stop and then I have to sit and wait for it to arrive. I like getting there at least 5 minutes earlier then the bus is meant to get there.

I sit in the bus quietly and read my book again, my glasses falling lightly on my nose. I am getting to a really good bit in the story, a romantic bit. I tend to look out for the romantic bits.

“Cindy,” My step-mother tells me in a fake nice voice. It makes me shiver.  “It’s common for a girl like you to stay at home by yourself, it’s only natural”

She lets out a piercing laugh before she walks out of the house, followed by her daughters. It makes me feel miserable. I go into the garden and walk into the street via my secret exit. I found out about this exit 2 years ago, it’s very helpful. I sit on the curb and just think about anything that pops in my head.

I am not sure what I am thinking about really, but I do not realise the silhouette standing over me until his shadow darkens my view of the floor. I look up into the eyes of a man I have never met face-to-face, but know by reputation, status and importance of him. His dark hair flies into his eyes but he does not move to brush it away. I stand with great haste and I bow to him as low as my head will go without me toppling over.

“Your majesty,” I say quietly, still bowing. “What an honour to meet you”

I do not hear a reply. I lift my head slowly to see him trying to stifle a laugh. Did I do something wrong? I look down at my simple blue dress with a white hem. I don’t look like a super model, but I guess to a prince I must be dressed like a tramp.

I stand straighter, not trying to be rude. I eye him as he regains himself. I am completely confused in what was amusing about my greeting, but I do not ask.

“Terribly sorry,” He apologises in a low rumbling voice. Somehow it makes my skin shiver, in a good way. “I do not mean to be rude, it’s just I was not expecting such a formal greeting in a place so dark and damp and… well, not really fit for such a greeting”

I scrunch my face in confusion. “Is royalty not to be greeted as royalty no matter where the member may be, regardless of the party or surrounding area?” I ask instead.

His eyebrows are raised and he looks very surprised. Maybe that was too forward a question.

My heart flutters as I imagine or feel the chemistry between these two. Before I can read on, I hear a voice, a deep rumbling voice. It’s asking a question, but I do not hear it. I pull of my glasses and look next to me.

There is a boy my age, maybe older, sitting next to me. When did he get here? I did not notice it. He has golden blonde hair and he is smiling at me. I give him a puzzled look.

“I said, do you like reading so much that you don’t realise people sitting next to you for 10 minutes?” He asks for my benefit.

I give him a sorry smile and he smiles back. He has dark grey eyes that go well with his hair. His eyes almost sparkle when he smiles. Or maybe that’s my imagination.

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