I got tagged....

87 4 16

Dear diary,

*sighs*...today....I got tagged by -Seiko-SWAGohara-...I don't even know how this works...WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME, SHINOHARA-SAN!?!?!

.....well, it can't be helped...*perks up* BUT! I won't be answering these alone! *grabs Ib from nowhere* HAHA! NOW, I HAVE A COMRADE!

Ib:*looks around*.....h-huh?

Don't worry, kid. Just go with it. Let's start!

(by the way, Ib's speech is italized)


1) Favorite Anime/TV show?

>Corpse Party, obviously. But I also like Yuru Yuri, Gakkou Gurashi, To Aru Kagaku no Railgun, Chess Master, Princess Resurrection, Death Note, Shiki...*continues to babble*

>u-umm.....what's an anime?

>*sweatdrops* Don't worry. There's no need for you to answer that. Next question, please!

2) AyuShiki or Naoko?

>I will protect Seomi with all my life

>.....(she sounds so serious....it's almost...intimidating...)....I still have no idea what this question means...

3) Would you die to save the ones you love?

>*growls* Of course, I would! What do you take me for, HUH!? A FREAKING COWARD!?!? DO YOU THINK I'M NOT CAPABLE OF PROTECTING THE ONES I CARED ABOUT!?!? WELL, I'LL SHOW YOU!! *raises a sharp-nailed hand*

>*tugs at the hem of my shirt* M-Ms. Caitlin, please.....it is really rude to threaten the tagger. Or anyone else for that matter. u-umm...and as for me....I-I would do the same but without the threat...

4) Zodiac Sign?



5) Anime/TV Crush?

>I don't have one. I do have a client, though.

>C-Crush? *blushes* well.....i-it's not really a crush....I just look up at him.

>Did you mean Ga-*mouth gets covered by Ib*

>*extremely blushing* (>////<) !!!!!!!!

6) Tsundere or Yandere?

>Tsundere. Defenitely Tsundere.

>...what's a Yandere?

>Well...think of Mary. With a knife while laughing crazily and blood covering her face and dress saying, "NO ONE CAN LOVE YOU EXCEPT FOR ME!!!".

>(O_O) !?!?!?! *starts to sob*

>*panics* Oh, crap! CRAP! L-Look, I was only kidding! Think nothing of the sort. Let's just go to the next question. Ok? (gosh, I'm a HORRIBLE person)

7) What is your something you look for in a guy/girl?

>"your something you look for" wait, what? You confused me there for a second. Anyway, as long as they're not total jerks to me, then we'll get along just fine.

>....kindness....and understanding.

>...(she's so precious, WTH!? >.<)

8) Favorite Meme or GIF?

> The "IT'S JOHN CENA!" Memes. Oh, and also the Patrick Star one with the caption of "I have NO idea what I'm doing" which fits me perfectly right now....(-_-)'

>*looks down out of distraction*...

9) Best Fanfic you've read?

>MY OJOU-SAMA'S "REBELLIOUS LOVE"!!! XD (by the way, her account name is WolfieGirlMayz for those who wants to check her out.)

>*is still distracted*...

10) What book on Wattpad or IRL made you cry the most?

>The fic that was written by seikonakashima10 entitled, "I do". Especially since they keep making my client suffer in EVERY. FREAKING. CHAPTER. *groans*....Ib? *nudges her with my elbow*

>*snaps back to reality* h-huh? Oh, umm....I-I don't remember ever reading a book that made me cry so hard as much as I did after reading Mary's diary and-...*starts to cry again*

>H-Hey! C'mon, now. There's no need to cry...besides, it's not like she's dead or anything!

>*cries even harder*

>H-Huh!? Did I say something wrong?

11) Favorite Holiday?



12) On a scale of 0 to 10, how do you rate yourself in popularity in real life and on the internet?


>I think that it would depend with those people that surrounds you.

13) What do you want to be when you grow up?

>I always wanted to be a medical doctor, but....I don't think it would be possible....

>I wanted to be a painter when I grow up. I usually just draw things with pencil then I would color it with water color as a start. It is also my hobby. But it doesn't mean I'm good at it....

Ok. I 'guess those were it. Thanks for sticking with me, Ib. If you want, you could leave now. Or would you like me to go with you?

Ib: T-That's quite alright, Ms. Caitlin. I would manage on my own. Thank you, too. And, take care...*leaves*

.........? I need to tag somebody now and ask them my own questions, do I?......NO. I will NOT tag anyone after this because NOBODY deserves to be put through all THAT.


(Mainly because I suck at coming up with amusing questions and too shy to tag other wattpad users so, I mean.....)

It was kind of fun. Answering these, though. Thanks, Shinohara-san! I 'guess you manage to get me out of my shell for a little while. *glares* just be sure not to tag me again with this kind of stuff because I'm HORRIBLE at this....*sighs*

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