Name- Garnith
Gender- Male
Age- 8 cycles, 2 moons
Rank- Leader
Appearance- Tall, heavily set, noble bearing. Solid grey, long fur. Pale stormy-green eyes.
Mentor/Apprentice- None
Powers- None, though he claims to have occasional prophetic visions (similar to his brother's power). He's only claimed this a few times in the course of his life, but know they are growing more insistent and darker.
Background/personality- He is a strong individual. He lets no one change his views, unless he respects this person and trusts them with his life (such as his brother and warlord, Dranith). He values strength in a cat, almost more than anything. He enjoys sparring and dueling with his packmates, and often uses this as a way to solve arguments with others. He sees war as the first option, and would rather dive into battle than talk out any decision.
His attitude has changed quite a bit in recent events, sadly enough. Garnith has taken ill with some kind of terrible cough that saps his strength, dulls his senses, and refuses to leave. His dream was to die in battle, but know he fears he may die quietly, uneventfully, and dreadfully undignified choking in his sleep. This leads to bouts of rage as he vents his frustration, fear, and despair.