5 || Bonded

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Dinah: dance rehearsals have killed me

Lauren: same here, I'm so tired I can't even talk

Dinah: good thing this works out just as well

Lauren: yeah it's somewhat like telepathy because I send you a text but I can still see your facial expression if you get me

Dinah: no Lauren I don't

Lauren: just agree then, telepathy is a cool thing to have

Dinah: okay true

Camila: hi my main bitches D & L!

Lauren: Camila don't

Dinah: yeah seriously you don't actually sound cool

Camila: whatevs, are my hoes coming to party tonight or what?

Dinah: done

Normani: excuse me but why am I not a main bitch?

Ally: I don't like the reference but yeah why aren't I either?

Camila: you are you hotties, it's just me and my two homies were on chatting at the same time you feelz?

Ally: lord have mercy on this poor girls soul

Normani: she needs Jesus

Dinah: or Lauren at least

Normani: Lauren go fix yo girl up

Lauren: she's gonna go all weird on me tho

Dinah: when has she not Lauser, when has she not?

Lauren: too true 😂

Camila: excuse me bitches

Ally: Lauren now!

Lauren: but that requires getting up...

Dinah: I will get up even as sore as I am, to get you up, to get Camila up okay, if it gets her to stop

Lauren: serious commitment there DJ

Normani: Lauren go cleanse her

Lauren: that sounded somewhat sexual but that coulda just been me

Dinah: wasn't just you

Camila: Lauren you naughty dawg

Dinah: only I can say dawg, dawg

Lauren: Camz where you at?

Camila: i'm in the bunk, waiting

Normani: I'm sure that sounded more seductive then intended

Dinah: nope that was fully intended

Normani: yeah you're right

Lauren: okay guys done

Ally: well that was quick

Dinah: omfg Ally 😂😂

Normani: Dinah! 😂😂

Ally: what are you two even laughing about?

Normani: you'll probably never understand Ally

Ally: I won't deny that, I probably won't

Lauren: guys! So inappropriate

Dinah: what else was to be expected??

Lauren: good point

Camila: yes that was quicker than i would have liked

Lauren: do u want me to come back and re explain it?

Camila: sure do

Dinah: smh

Camila: lol i can't help myself Dinah

Dinah: yes so I've heard, Lauren does most of the helping.

Normani: OMF 😂😂

Lauren: what is this? Night of the flaunt your horny horn horns?

Ally: what the?

Normani: wtf?

Dinah: I feel so broken like shouldn't my muscles be better already

Normani: no Dinah, dancing don't work that way, sorta like our workouts 😉

Dinah: ugh

Lauren: grossed out rn

Normani: pfft not as grossed out as Mila has made us, you should go fix her horny ass

Lauren: *choking on the air I just gasped in* excuse me?

Dinah: Omg Lauren you know exactly what she meant

Camila: yeah Lauren, omg 😏

Ally: why do I talk to you beautiful, corrupted women??

Lauren: I've been wondering the same thing

Normani: pfft you bitches love us!

Ally: too much actually

Lauren: too little actually

Dinah: Lauren! *gasp*

Lauren: just kidding! 😊 love you crazy bitches ❤️

Camila: yay my hoes have bonded

Normani: not again 😩

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