Mission: Escape

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     I stalked around the boulder, checking for the people I heard, and saw none. My reading took an hour or so, so it was midday- I had to be careful, the sun was blazing in the sky, lighting my surroundings and making me stick out like a sore thumb in my surroundings.

      I didn't want to be seen, especially by Eldrazi, because even through I had a sword and a hook, the things I'd seen led me to believe that wouldn't stop even a drone. I started wandering, lost in my surroundings, when I spotted a hill, the only good vantage point in the area, and the only one that would help me find Seagate again.

      The thing is, there was something off about this vantage point - around it, there was white webbings in the stone, like it had been hollowed out, reduced to nothing more than a brittle shell, a shadow of it's former glory. That was the hill in general- smaller than it should be, a white husk of what it was.

      This warned me that Eldrazi had either been there or were still there, but I was willing to take the risk. I ran over to it, jogging through terrain. After about 20 minutes of this jogging, I had reached the hill, but was throughly spooked- Too many creeping, skittering sounds informed me I might've taken the wrong risk. 

     Even though that was true, I kept on jogging, and eventually reached the base of the hill. I was worried- I could not stop flicking my head to either side of me, trying to catch a glimpse of my enemies, if they were here. If they were, I would have to fight to survive. I walked in the shadows of the hill, keeping eye and ear out for anything that could potentially disturb me, then heard it- a small skitter, a leg stepping onto the stone?

 I walked in the shadows of the hill, keeping eye and ear out for anything that could potentially disturb me, then heard it- a small skitter, a leg stepping onto the stone?

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There they were- three drones, each with insectile bodies and bone shells, flat heads, and small, scissor-like pincers, coming out from the shadows of the hill. They stopped, looking at me, just as I gazed at them. I drew my sword, readied my hook, and charged- I needed to kill every last one of them, before one escaped to get reinforcements. As they saw me, I slashed at the one in front, quickly dismantling the structure of his body.

As one more came at me, one ran- I had to stop that. I threw my half of my hook, latching onto its neck, then pulled as hard as I could- the Eldrazi came flying back, even going so far as to hit the other, leaving them both vulnerable. I slashed, ripping them in twain. As I stopped to admire my handiwork, I heard something much, much larger approach.

      The beast stood behind me, observing me

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The beast stood behind me, observing me. It was the one creating these webbings, I knew. It could only be this. It was massive- 9 feet or so -and had one bifurcated arm, while one was normal. It's head was topped by two, massive, gnarled horns, each spiked with sharp points.

It reared, then charged, coming at me. I snapped out of my awe, hooking to a side of the hill, and glanced in every direction- there it was! I had found Seagate, and now needed to escape from my pursuer. I latched onto the base of the hill, then slid down the side, gaining just enough momentum to pass the Eldrazi, who was now almost to my position. I looked to the skies, quickly finding and island, then hooked to it, going above the Eldrazi.

    I then swung, launching myself forward, out of the Eldrazi's reach, and towards Seagate. I started running, listening for sounds of the Eldrazi's pursuit, trying to navigate my way towards the forests and mountains that surround Seagate. I ran through brushes, hearing heavy footsteps and cracking sounds behind me, each footfall pushing me further along my path.

        I kept on going, running further, until I finally met the forest. The Eldrazi was a turn around a corner away from me, so I wasted no time jumping to a brush, then rolling down, into a mudslide. I looked up, and saw the Eldrazi, walking near the forest, not turning its head, but observing, silent as an assassin. It paused abruptly, looking at the forest, then turned its head right at my eyes. I was discovered.

        I leaped down the slide, running down the hill. It was steep, but I was experienced in matters such as these, and I deftly traversed the hill, hooking, climbing, sliding, and running my way down. I glanced backwards every three seconds or so, and saw the Eldrazi was also climbing down with ease; it's legs could smash into the soil with ease, latching itself into the hillside, and whatever obstacle that was too large or blocked the trail could be pushed or smashed aside with relative ease.

         I reached the bottom of the slope, jumping out of the brush and running towards a slip between two boulders, a obstacle that couldn't be cleared so easily. Just as I jumped through, I heard the Eldrazi smash out of the forest, charging the boulders. I heard a crack, then a scraping sound, as if something very large was being moved. I ran, not daring to look back.

As I slid down the mountains, I finally heard the Eldrazi again- a scuttling, shambling sound. I dared not stop, but knew I was being hunted. As I neared the gates of Seagate, I breathed a sigh of relief- I had made it, alive and in-tact. I had valuable information, and the Eldrazi would be stopped. This, along with thousands of others, was my mission, and I had the key to unlock that door. I neared the guards, telling them who I was, and entered the city, the light,the safety, and most of all:

The graveyard of the Eldrazi.

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