Mission: Preperation

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I raced down the hall, my footsteps making thumps on the cobble ground. I got to the inn, slamming the door open, then running to the keep, asking with a hurried and wheezy voice:

"Who is in charge at Seagate?!" He responded with a certain curiosity, surprised at my abrupt entrance.

      "Hum.. What?" I caught my breath, then responded, slowly:

      "Who leads Seagate against the Eldrazi?" He paused, pondering the question, then gave an answer:

       "Well, Seagate has other officials, but Gideon Jura usually leads our armies against them..." Finally.

       "Good. I need to tell him a strategy against these beasts." I said, then started walking out, when he interjected:

      "Wait!" I turned my head, listening. "If you don't have war strategies, instead something like info on the Eldrazi, talk to Jace Beleren. He usually hangs out by the tower, for learning and consultations. He may be busy, he usually is, being a leader and all, but O think you have a better change of finding him." Alright... That makes sense. I walked out the door,
waltzing towards the center of the city, and near the tower.

I walked through the bustling streets, crowded with all races. Merchants, yelling about different and new products, haggled with stubborn customers, while scholars and maids passed by, carrying various items. It seemed no one knew, or even cared about the incoming destruction.

I reached the tower, it's white stone gleaming in the morning sun. It was huge, around 350 feet taller than the normal wall, built with a smooth, natural architecture. As I neared the doors, I was passed by scholars, teachers, students, mages - all of these people seeking knowledge of one type or another. There was a building, topped by lush green gardens, surrounding the tower.

I entered the tower, met by a main lobby room- several hallways went to different places, but I knew, from paintings and signs, that most important organizers would be in the war council. I pondered for a second whether I should go in, as Jace may be busy- just from walking around town and hearing whisperings, I knew he was an important figure with something quite special. Even so, I had information that didn't just concern him- it concerned the world. These Eldrazi, and Ulamog, their "leader", had to be stopped, otherwise the world itself would fall.

      I asked where the hall to the war council was, then followed the path. "Right... Left... Right..." I muttered as I walked down the path. There it was. A door with a wooden sign above it, titled "STRATEGIST COUNCIL", was in front of me. I could hear arguing voices inside, though I could not make out what the exact words were.

    I pushed through the door, met by a semicircle room lined with chairs. Three people were inside - A man with a blue cloak inscribed by runes, assuredly Jace, and two others, each with badges and formal awards drawn across sashes. One was a merfolk, the other human, each arguing with Jace.

      "No, that won't work! The Eldrazi outnumber us, flanking would lead to suicide." The human said in a tone similar to a frustrated old man lecturing a child, a high and condescending tone.

      "We can't evacuate the city, there are too many and the Eldrazi are too near. Jace, what do you think?" The merfolk responded, exasperated.

       "I think we should ask who is our visitor." Jace said a quiet, calm voice. The group turned to me, suddenly aware of me. Though intimidated, a managed to get out a couple of words:

       "Jace.. While adventuring, I managed to grab a scroll which may help with the Eldrazi's defeat. It had many things on it, too many to read in one day, but also a solution- one key to the victory against the Eldrazi."

       "Hm. May I see this, or would you read it to me?"

        "I would state what it said, yes." I breathed, realizing what I said decided the future of Zendikar. "Hedrons, massive stone structures found all over Zendikar, can be aligned in a way that pins the Eldrazi's physical forms to Zendikar. You do know of the interaction between the Eldrazi's physical and otherworldly forms, correct?"


       "Good. Well, imagine the Eldrazi are sticking a hand in, their own form. If you cut the hand off, the Eldrazi won't die. But if you pin the hand down..."

        "The Eldrazi would be trapped here, unable to move or do anything."

        "Indeed, quite good. That is what the Hedrons are doing- pinning the Eldrazi, stopping them -Ulamog, really- from creating chaos. We must hatch a plan to align these Hedrons and stop the Eldrazi from harming our world."

        "What's your name?" Jace asked. I responded, unsure of his response:

        "Reiri. Reiri Plainsblood." He paused, then spoke:

        " Reiri, if we survive this... Thank you."

A day later...

        "Reiri, help with these sandbags. We need as much walling as possible here." The guard said, gesturing for me to come over. I did so, picking up two sandbags and carrying them to the gap, closing it with them. I wiped my forehead, beads of sweat rolling off it. It was midday, with the Eldrazi assuredly fast coming. It was a huge undertaking to prepare for the attack, with many workers setting up both ramparts, defenses, and platforms for the Hedrons and their alignment.

                                                                                         This would get interesting.

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