Rape Hurt and Pregnancy

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I do not own Baka to Test

I was walking down the street to my house. My parents only had one car for our little family of three. They asked me if I could walk to and from school everyday, since my parents worked at the same place and couldn't drop me off at school. I didn't mind; the school was nearby my house anyways. As a shortcut, I usually would walk through an alley way. If I did not go through the alley way, the walk home would take twenty minutes. Through the alley way, only ten. See? Going through the alley way cuts the time right in half. Besides, my parents were usually tired when they came back home and I always liked to prepare dinner for them before they came back.

I was heading over to the alley way after a foul day at school. Somehow walking through the alley way helps me to feel better because it is the only time where I am really alone-where I can process my thoughts, reflect on the day, and see if my actions were justified or not.

I stopped in front of the alley way, foreboding crushing into my veins. Somehow today . . . the place looked more dark than usual. I could not explain the odd feeling in my chest. My heart was contracting painfully, as if someone was squeezing it. But then it would relax, and contract once more. I felt short of breath and light headed as I stared down the alley way. 'All I want to do is go back home and take a nap! Because I think that I definitely need one. I don't know what's wrong with me . . . Might have been the bad day I had . . .'

As I walked, the alleyway became brighter. My heart had calmed down quite a bit and I was actually somewhat enjoying my walk in the alley way. I would stop for a moment to watch a ladybug crawling on a leaf or admire how cracked a wall was. I was looking straight ahead, when I saw a shadow block the end. I stopped dead in my tracks when I realized that the shadow that was blocking the way was a man. He was leering at me, looking at my body up and down. I ran to the other side of the alley way. But when I was close to the entrance, another shadow blocked the way. Another man. I began to panic. I began to breathe heavily because I was so afraid, so scared of what would happen. As my panic rose, I remembered that my inhaler was in my hand. I lifted it to my mouth and pressed down rapidly onto it, giving me my medication. While I did so, I could already hear them as they began to close down on me from both sides.

"I bet she'd be nice and tight," the first man said. This man had blond hair, white. He was wearing a shirt that had a crude picture of a little boy, bending over, pointing to his ass. The shirt said, "Kiss my ass for 1 cent." He could not have been more than thirty.

"I wonder if she'd scream in pleasure when I penetrate her . . ." the other said. This guy was tall. Really tall. He had dark skin, black hair. He wore a white undershirt, but was stripping off his clothes as he approached me. His muscles rippled across his body. He was definitely somewhere between twenty-five to thirty-eight.

I wanted to run, to scream, to get away, but I knew that I had didn't have a chance. I was going to get raped and . . . What could I have done? I knew that the chances of my getting away were slim, but I had to try. I ran into the white guy, wishing to tackle him down at least, so I could get away. My parents had never allowed me to take defense/martial arts classes, so I was doomed in that department.

My running into the white guy surprised him a little. I almost managed to knock him to the ground if the Hispanic man had not been there. The white man had me locked in his arms, making me drop my inhaler and the Mucles was right in front of me, so we looked like in a very strange "sandwich." The Mucle man bent down to whisper in my ear, "Y'know, girls who fight back turn me on." My eyes widened in fear. That's it; I just had to get out! The white man had released me from his grip and I began hitting them both with as much strength I could. I used my back pack, my school books . . . but they were so much more powerful than I was. Whitey backed me up against the wall, with the Hispanic behind him. I tried fighting him off but . . . He ripped my skirt. I was so scared, I didn't know what I could I have done. I couldn't just stand there, I had to do something! But . . . A part of me knew how this would end. I knew that I . . . would be raped. I shook the thought off. I have to do whatever I can to prevent that from happening! Whitey and the Mucles began to laugh crudely as they saw a little bit of my underwear.

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