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Civet laid on the dirty cave floor. "Where am I?" She thought as she sat up and looked around. The cave was damp and dark, with a hint of faded light coming from the entrance. She stood up and walked towards the light, curious as to what she would find. "A forest?" Civet thought confused as she took a step out of the cave. Just moments ago she was in her car driving home from work.. "What happened?" Civet whispered to herself.

 Looking around, the forest seemed almost as dark as the cave. Civet could barely see her own feet. The large, 50 foot oak trees looked as if she was in some kind of horror movie. Her thoughts were disturbed by a male's deep voice. "So you've awaken?"

Civet spun around, seeing a boy that looked about her age. He could possiblely be younger considering, she really couldn't see him fully. All she could see clearly was a low, blood red glow where his eyes should be. Civet ignored his question and asked her own. "Uh, who are you?"

 She narrowed her eyes, watching the figure straighten up. When he spoke, his voice was powerful and a bit demonic. "I am Kerberos."

Civet couldn't help but laugh. "Your joking, right?" Before he, the so called "Kerberos" spoke, she continued. "I've read about him. Kerberos. He's the three-headed dog that guards the gates of the Underworld."

"That's correct." Said Kerberos in annoyance. He crossed his arms and stared at her though the darkness.

"Mhm. The Underworld and Hell isn't real and neither is Kerberos. The Greeks just made all that stuff up." Civet said dumbly.

 She frowned when she heard Kerberos chuckle. "That so?" He took a step forward into a circle of light, the trees didn't block yet with their long branches.

She stared at his eyes and blinked. "Your eyes... they're red?"

"Of course they are. They always are." He flashed a grin which exposed razor sharp teeth.

Civet took a step back. "That's... that's not possible. You... you can't be Kerberos."

 His grin widened. "Oh, but I am. In the flesh, in fact." Civet stared at him, unable to move. Kerberos shook his head. "Don't worry. I am not here to harm you. Only merely help you."

Civet tilted her head slightly. "Huh? Help me... how?" Kerberos just smiled his charming smile. Civet shook her head. "What? Aren't you going to tell me...?"

 Kerberos turned without another word and started to walk away.

"Hey! Wait for me!" Civet paused a moment. "Am I really going to follow the real Kerberos?" She thought with a worried glance to where Kerberos had walked off. Civet jumped at the howl of a wolf and screamed. "KERBEROS! Wait! I'm coming!" She started to run off where she last saw him.


 Civet stopped running when she caught up with Kerberos and walked by his side. He glanced over at her and grinned. "Nice of you to join me."

She shot him a glare. "How did you know I was going to follow you?"

Kerberos chuckled. "I didn't. I just heard your footsteps." Civet made a face that said oh, which made Kerberos laugh. "Hey, your not so bad. Stick with me and you won't get hurt." 

 Civet stopped walking. "What? Are there demons or something after me?"

Kerberos shook his head with a smile. "No, but there are other things here that will."

She made another face. "Like....?"

Kerberos gave a smug smile. "Like. Werewolves, vampires, globlins, trolls, dragons, etc." Civet widened her eyes with a scared expression on her face. "Your kidding... right?" 

 Kerberos shook his head. "Sad to say, no. Everything I just mentioned is real." Civet  felt her jaw drop and her hand flew up to cover her mouth. Kerberos chuckled at her reaction and gave her a reassuring look. "Everything will be fine, trust me."

Civet looked slightly shocked. "Me trust you? But... your Kerberos. How am I suppose to do that?" Kerberos looked offended.

 They stayed quiet for a while before Kerberos continued to walk, as he walked he looked back at Civet and shrugged. "I am very trustworthy. Ask Nicolette and Ali. They would know the answer to your question." And with that, he continued to walk.

 Civet frowned a little. "I do kind of trust him..." She thought with a nervous glance at Kerberos, who looked like he was going to run into a pure black wall of darkness. She quickly jogged to his side in case, he was really going to leave her alone. In the darkest forest, she has ever seen.

Civet stopped Kerberos before he took a step into the darkness. "What?" His eyes flashed yellow.

Civet guessed that meant he was annoyed, so she lowered her voice. "Where are we going? I don't want to walk in there..." Her voice trailed off, as her eyes flicked towards the darkness.

"I was just going home. I need to tend to Nicolette and Ali." Kerberos said, crossing his arms.

"Who are they?" Kerberos flashed a grin, "You'll meet them soon enough. For now, let's walk, It's getting dark out."


 Civet nodded and followed closely behind Kerberos. After about five minutes later, they arrived at a small wooden cabin lightened up by moonlight sneaking though the branches. He walked up to the door, turned the knob and pushed the door open. Kerberos took a couple huge steps inside and quickly looked around. Civet walked in and turned around to close the door. "Nicole..! Ali..? Anyone home?" Civet spun around hearing a loud crash from the kitchen.


Author's Note -- I put a picture of Kerberos in his wolf/dog form on the side, for those you don't have an idea on what he looks like.   :-)

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