Chapter 4

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Civet looked up at the huge griffin. "What.. the.. hell...?"

She said slowly, watching Kerberos petting it. They were up on a platform on the side of what looked like a HUGE living room. The griffin cawed and Civet jumped back. Kerberos looked down and grinned at Civet. "It's fine. Robert just hurt his foot."

"Mhmm. Well tell Robert to stay away from me. Okay? and what kind of name is Robert for a freaking griffin..!" 

 Kerberos shrugged. "He just liked the name." 


 "What! He did."


 "I will not argue over something so stupid."

 "Fine by me."

 Kerberos started to pet Roberts neck and slowly get on him. Civet glared up at them, staring mostly at Kerberos. "You wouldn't dare..."

He looked down and grinned. "Oh but I would... and you know it." In response Civet screamed and ducked down when Robert came flying off the platform heading down towards her.

 They flew around the room slowly and Robert dropped down in front of Civet. She widened her eyes and stepped back, which made Kerberos laugh. Chrissy realized how pretty Robert was. He was a midnight black with striking silver eyes. She gasped without realizing it. "He's a beauty, isn't he?"

 Chrissy turned around to see Aly and grinned. "Yeah. Where'd you guys find him?" Kerberos and Aly laughed. 


 "We didn't find him." Aly chuckled.


 Kerberos grinned. "He came to us."

 "Oh cool...?"


 Civet shifted a bit, she felt so normal in the room. Surrounded by the real Kerberos, a griffin and even a werewolf. Aly sensed the awkwardness and spoke up. "It's almost midnight..." She told Kerberos.

 "Ah, shall we..." He flicked a glance at Civet. "Hunt?" Kerberos said in a low voice. Aly nodded once and headed out to the back, Kerberos followed throwing over his shoulder. "Be back in the morning. Nicolette is here if you need her." Civet grunted and looked at Robert.

 Robert screeched slightly, which made Civet jump and took a step towards her. She held up her hands and backed away.

"Woah... stay back." He flapped his wings and flew a bit in front of her. Civet bumped into a wall. "Shit." 

 He tilted his head to the side, his silver/grey beak shined a little. Civet turned her head to the side. "Uh... Robert?"

He squawked at her. "Mind... moving back... a little? I like my space..." As if on command he moved back.

 Civet smiled to herself. "Good boy."

He flicked his tail to the side, and Civet heard a snap.

"Woah... uh." She paused there wondering if Kerberos would get mad at her, if she took Robert out. Shrugging she asked, her voice cracked a little. "Wanna, go for a ride..?"

 Robert screeched and flapped his wings, lifting off the ground about a foot. "I'll take that as a yes?" The griffin nodded and turned to the side, inviting Civet to get on his back.

She bite her lip and slowly walked over to Roberts side. "How do I... mount you?"

 Robert ducked his head and lowered the front part of his body making it look like he was bowing. "Ah." Civet picked up her left leg and swung it over his neck. She balanced herself as Robert stood up. "What am I suppose to hang onto?" She murmured.

 Robert turned his head towards her and glanced at his back. "Your fur..?" She said unsure, but went ahead and clenched some of his fur in her hands.

Robert wiggled a little and jumped up flapping his wings. When he got to the platform, he stopped flying. "Why are we stopped?" She glanced to the side and saw a harness thing, she could hold onto when he flew. Civet looked back at Robert. "Thanks." 

 She slid off his back and snatched it off it's hook. Robert lowered his head a little and Civet slipped it onto his neck and clipped it together under his stomach. "Haha, sort of looks like a saddle horn." Civet spoke, mostly talking to herself.

 She climbed up him this time and grabbed on to the leather strap and frowned. It was made so only one hand could fit in there. "But..." She started to complain, but Robert took to the sky. Or should I say, ceiling. 

 Civet yelled. "Hey! That's the..." She saw the ceil starting to open. "Oh.. fancy." She smirked at her scared self. Robert wings flapped harder and harder until he reached the top. He screeched into the night and glided though the air.

 Civet smiled and looked around. It was a nice cool night, with no clouds in the sky. Everything seemed like a dream until a loud snarl coming from below them interrupted it. She looked down, but Robert kept his eyes on the sky.

 "What's that!" She screeched. Below them flying in the sky were wolfs. Pure black-winged wolves flying in the sky. Civet panicked and yelled when one of wolfs saw them. Robert grunted and stared down at them, screeching loudly. The biggest one, most likely the leader, growled and turned his flying pack around.

 "Thank you...?" Civet said looking confused. "What's wrong with this town?!" She murmured. Robert screeched a laugh which made Civet smile. "Do you really like the name Robert?" Civet finally asked. 

 They flew in silence until Robert let out a low, sad screech. "I'm taking that as a no." She said quickly. "I will think of a new one for you." Robert tilted his head a little and flew slower. The forest was a beautiful sight filled with ungraceful things.

 "Hmm... how about Jinxx?" He screeched loudly and glanced back with what looked like happiness in his eyes. "Cool." She said and loosened her grip on the strap a little.

It was all quiet when Jinxx let out a piercing screech. Civet gripped the strap as he reared back in the sky as something almost too dark to see what it actually was, flew upwards almost hitting Jinxx.

 Civet stared at it as it flew up into the sky. Whatever it was, It had tried to make Jinxx crash. She saw the striking red eyes that looked like they were on fire. It turned around and stared down at them, Jinxx stared back with hatred in his eyes.

 Jinxx screeched and Civet sighed in relieve thinking it would leave just like the wolves did. The thing blinked and roared back at it. "Oh shit." Civet thought. She could tell there was going to be a fight, but... what was this strange creature daring to fight the all mighty Jinxx?

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