The Love Garden

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Hated, unloved, useless, fat, lonely... these are the words that i awake from every night in my cold hard bed, and my light flickers in time with the wind crashing into my room through the tiny cracks in the wall that could be extended by a simple scratch at the side of anyone of them. From the discription from my room, most can tell im very poor.

Standing up and heading down the stairs is a hard task in itself, the stairs has no carpet, and it has filth and wood coming out of some parts of it, steping on some is as painful as standing on a nail, and if you fall down it would send one of us to the ambulence fast.

I step into the kitchen and reach for the tap, when i stop, and think. Thinking is very common for me, but what i think about is uncommon, because belive it or not, we used to have lots of money, my dad used to be a very rich man, who had a good job, helping in photography! My dad used to be the most importent person in the family, we had no worries, until he... ended it.

My dad had commited scuicide on march the 12th 1995... and only my mum knew why, every year i would ask her, but she would just kiss me and say that what he did was for the best. The mystery of my dads death would make me wonder around my small cramped room, thinking how and why he did it, and in all honesty, i would never stop thinking about him.

*BRING* *BRING* My alarm screams as my eyelids shoot open like a bullet, and the only thought going through my mind is "SHIT IM LATE FOR SCHOOL" i fly out of my bed, get dressed, get my bag, and shoot out of the house, hoping that my teacher was feeling nice today. 

Fear speeds through my body as i see no one in the school entrance, and run as quickly as i can to my class, swet drips down my face as i finally reach the classroom, but before i enter i think of a good exuse and walk in nice and calmley, as soon as the door opens my teacher turns with an evil look on her face, as she roughly moves her lips to say "well you took your time again dident you will" before i even move or breath, i know that today is going to be another terrible day.

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