The Love Garden - Chapter 2

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My teacher glares at me as she says, "so why are you late will?" and i just tell her what i thought would have been the best exuse ever! and said "well miss, i was walking to school when some dogs started to attack me!" and for a moument she had a look of maybe thinking i was telling the truth, when another boy yells "no he was'nt! i saw him miss!" her face changed in a matter of seconds, as she yelled at me, and told me to sit down.

Walking in late and being told off was imbaresing in my school, and no wonder this boy grassed me up, because this boy was called tom, the only thing tom wanted my life to be was hell, he was always getting me into trouble, and as i looked over at him, he was laughing at me with his little grin, trying to make a fool of me, but he never does it, because he's always wanting to fight me, so i just ignore him.

Miss clears her throut as she belts out, "THE LAW IS VE-" but is interupted by a sudden slam of the door, as jack runs in shouting "SORRY IM LATE MISS! I OVERSLEPT!" spitting everywhere as he talked, miss wiped her face and with a grin told him to sit down.

Jack is the greatest person i had ever met in school, he may be a "loser" as the cool people call him, but i have so much respect for him, he likes what i like, we eat the same, we talk the same, he is basically a brother to me, and supportes me whenever im down.

Jack sits down next to me, and as usual we do our hand shake! he looks up at me and says, so hows it goin? i look at him and say "we should talk later, miss might hear us" and he lookes at miss and says, well what is she gonna do?, i look at him before saying im good, you? he then looks at me and says in a very exited voice "well, i got tickets to THE CELL!" i look at him in shock before almost crying with joy, and say "man, you are amazing!".

For some, the cell is a normal place for people to hang out, but to me and jack, its the most importent thing in the world, THE CELL! is a party that everyone goes to at the end of the year to celebrate! and because we have little money we never go, but this year, we finally get to go! which is a big step forward in our career, and before i wet myself in exitment, i was already planing what i was wearing.

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