chapter 1:gummy bear lover

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**read this first**

Just want to remind you that Jang hyein and jung hyerin is not the same person.hehe.tq thats all.


"Gummy bear..gummy bear..I want gummy bear"

I started to find my precious gummy bear as I arrived at the store.I was really moody this morning when knowing that my gummy bear stock just ran out but im glad to have eomma and appa that understand me well.

But unfortunately the store keeper said that their gummy bear stock were just ran few minutes ago and that made me pouted, I lose my mood!

Tell me, who the one that kidnapped my gummy bear? Who? I promise to kill that person!!!

"Whats wrong dear?"

My mom ask me worriedly as I enter their car.

"Gummy bear"

I answer her in a short, lazy and moody tone.knowing that she will understand whats in my heart.I feel hurt! I feel like diying living without my gummy bear.

"What about going to school first? Its already late dear"

Its my dad turn to open his mouth but I pouted again and cross my arm, ignoring his sentence and letting it passes my ear following the wind.I won't go to school if they didn't let me have my gummy bear first.

"Haye, listen to what your dad said"

"Shiro (I don't want to)"

Both my parents sigh after hearing my stubborn answer.I know that they can't stand if my addict to gummy bear won't stop.

"Okey then, we will stop at the next store but promise us if there's still no gummy bear, you will still going to school"

"Okay then"

And thats why I love them so much, they wont't let me feel sad.but still I love gummy bear more.haha.JKJK.

~~~(At the school)
After getting what I want my dad left me at school.for what? Of course to study.haha.what a silly.

I walk along the corridors following the flow to my class room.its already late, but I don't mind as long as im with my gummy bear.

I opened the classroom's door as I arrived, revealing the whole class that were looking direct to my direction.I started moving my legs, passing every eyes that glaring me.hyein view becames more clearer as I move closer to my desk which is beside everyone else, she's glaring at me with warning.her head were moving signaling me to move my attention to the front of the class.ouh, I didn't know there were mrs.shin.

"Jung haye"

Mrs.shin eyes were full of anger as I move my attention to her.whats wrong with her mood today?is she in her period or what?

"Nee mrs.shin, what can I help you?"

"Why are you late?"

"Buying gummy bear"

The whole class burst their laugh as I opened my mouth answering mrs.shin's question.what so funny? Im not telling you guys a joke, its the buying gummy bear this moring.

"Haye, dont forget to share your gummy bear with us"

"I wont"

I hug my gummy bear packet as one of my classmates said that he want some.Im telling you that I won't give any of my gummy bear.

The laugh that were just calm burst again.really,whats going on with them?im not performing as a comedian in the gag concert.but why were they laughing like im telling them a joke?

"Gummy bear again? Is there no other answer? Jung Haye you're already in your end year of high school but you still behave like kids!"

Mrs.shin eyes were full of anger but still its not my fault.who is she to control my life? She's not even my mom to speak to me like that.

"So? What's the matter mrs.shin?"

"Come to my office right now!"

Arghh! What the heck did she want from me? If she want my gummy bears I won't give her because its only mine! Mine! Mine! And mine!

~~~(at the school garden)

"Yah,Haye! How can you say that things to mrs.shin?"

What again? This girl is seriously getting me out my nerves! Just minutes ago mrs.shin gave me speech to stop addicting gummy bear and now she's continuing the speech? How can I be so calm this time? Tell me.

"So? Whats the matter Jang hyein?"

"Im worried that she'll report you to the principal"

So what? Like I care~Im not that easy to be reported. Anyway, why would she? Does she have the right to report? Im not breaking any of the school rules like V.I.P usually does, Im just late because of buying gummy bears.Im not buying drugs or anything. Its just gummy bear.

"She won't"

Im not in mood to argue with her right now, I know she's worried about me but calm down, I won't die just because mrs.shin report me to the principal.unless they take away my gummy bears from me.I told you, I can't leave without gummy bear.

"Haye..what about you stop being like this?"

"What do you mean?"

My attention moved to the girl that sit beside me.her voice were really soft, but I still can hear her because it was just two of us that hangout at the school garden at break time, while the rest at the cafeteria.

"I mean stop addicting and loving gummy bear and start to find someone"

I shut my mouth and moved my attention to my gummy bear packed.I know what hyein think in her mind but I can't do what she told me to do.

"I go first"

After a minutes we shut our mouth digesting our own thought, I start to speak and move my legs away from her.I think I have to think about this thing alone.


I was walking along the corridor without knowing where Im heading interest were just at the floor and my brain were digesting many things.

I was so dumb thinking about all the things that hyein just said without realising that 13 boys were walking at the opposite direction from me.they were too many and that made the way seems to small to see.


I move my legs backward as I realise Im right in one of the guy embrace.Their face seem unfamiliar to me as I look at their face.

Without saying sorry I moved my legs away from them ignoring their call.

Its my second story publish..hope u guys like it.
Please vote if u like, and comment or text me if u don't understand or I need to improve my story.♡

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