Ch.8 The Big Oak Tree

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=Aphmau's P.O.V.=

Ahhh, I'm blushing like crazy right now, I have no idea why... I can't be... I can not like him, we just met and it's impossible for me to have feelings so early.

"Hey I wanna show you something!" He says grabbing my hand dragging towards a big, open field, with a beautiful full grown oak tree. I was gorgeous, there was a perfect view of the sunset that night.

"It looks... so pretty!" I say sounded amazed.

"But not as pretty as you!" he said with a cheesy grin laid on his face.

"ooookay sheesh..." I replied, I mentally face palmed, this boy is sure something.


We ended up resting at the trunk of the tree properly meeting each other, something that was definitely needed. It was getting late, and my eyes started to get heavier by the second. I slowly but surely drifted asleep, I ended up resting my head on Laurence's shoulder, listening to the sound of his voice telling me another one of his entertaining childhood stories. I enjoyed his presences when I fell asleep, we both got along almost admittedly.

= Laurence's P.O.V.=

I looked to my left to see Aphmau's eyes starting to shut, by it looked like she was having a hard time falling asleep,  so I made the bold choice to stroke her hair hoping it would help her to calm down and close her eye. 

After a minute or two, Aphmau was sound asleep. She was super peaceful, I was almost jealous. I knew it wasn't too comfortable out here on the grass so picked her up and carried her to the house, I got through the door when I hear the lovely voice of my older sister inputting her opinion on the situation...

"Seriously Laurence...." I knew that disappointed voice from anywhere... we're gonna get a nice talking to in a moment.

"She fell asleep at the trunk of the tree!" I said defensively.

"Are you sure? You're saying if I go to the trunk of the Oak tree right now there will be nothing suspicious? some Chloroform on a rag or anything?"  Cadenza says in a unbelieving tone as she crosses one arm under another.

"Yes! Go ahead and be my guest, just let me put Aphmau to bed!" I say heading up the stairs ignoring anything else that comes out from Cadenza's mouth.

"Whatever..." she throws her arms and continues to watch T.V.

I go up the stairs and go to my room, seeing that we don't have any guest rooms and Cadenza would never let me in hers. I lay her on my bed, after I do I begin to tuck my sheets over her limp body as her eyes slowly open.

"...T-Thanks Laurence-" she says as her eyes drifted back to sleep

"Heh... No problem..." I leave her to sleep as I go through the door, closing it slowly on my way out.

I head downstairs and plop on the couch next to Cadenza.

"What are you still doing here?!?!" she asks.

"Umm...hello? I'm your brother, I live here?!?" I replied looking confused

"No duh!! I mean aren't you suppose to be on your shift? Last time I remembered you have night shift today." when I heard that I bolted up and out the door in a total panic heading to my shift....hopefully no one noticed I was gone..


I hope you guys like it! Next chapter tonight!!! 

Bye my Sweets <3  

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