Ch.35 Sick Day Ft. Laurance

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=Aphmau's P.O.V.=

"You may actually have a fever!"

"What?! Lemme feel!" I raise my hand up to my forehead, feeling a hot wave of heat fly across my forehead.

"Woah..." I didn't even know I was sick.

"Well guess what that means?!" a wide smirk begins to form on Laurance's face.

"I don't know, maybe I have a fever or something? But who knows" I sarcastically joke.

"Ha. Ha. Sooo Funny... No, It means I have to stay the night to watch you!" He nudges me on the shoulder.

 "What! Why? I can handle myself" I cross my arm, raising my eyebrow.

 "Where's the fun in that? If I was here It would be like your not even sick!" he teases.

"...Ugh! Fiiiiiinnne! Only because I need some sort of company.." I sit back down beside curling up under his warm arm, I'm freezing!

He  wraps his arms around me "You cold?" he asks, resting his chin on the top of my head. The good thing about being short!!

I nod my head "yea..." he begins to hug me tighter, everything about him makes me feel safe

"What should we do?" I ask not moving my head

" I don't know, you should probably get some rest" his chin then slowly sides off from my head, looking down to me

"You need rest too, its 9:34 at night" I remind him.

"Yeah, but your sick!" he stands up grabbing my arm.

"What are you doing?!" I stand up as Laurance picks me up, swinging over his shoulders.

"Hey! Stop"  A quiet giggle escapes my mouth

"First stop, the bedroom!" He runs up the stair with me still over his shoulders, my legs dangle down in front of him as my face starts to beam a bright red

"Ahh, Laurance!! Lemme go!!" I giggle "I'm not that sick, that I need to be carried!" I start throwing playful punches at his shoulder and back

"Aphmau! Haha! Calm down!" He laughs

He carefully opens the door making sure he does drop me, the door opened revealing a dark, quiet room. Laurance then flips the light switch on, a burst of bright light flies quickly around the room showing the  mess of clothes on my floor.

" haven't been keeping your room clean!" He says, imitating a parents voice

He throws me down on to my bed, I hit the bed, bouncing back up. When I actually manage to sit up straight. I fix my, now nodded hair

"I get a pass because I'm a Lord!" I sass him

"Oooo! just because your a Lord, huh?" He sasses back

"...Really Laurance..?" I look at him with disappointment "Your such a drama queen..!"

"Aye! Not true!" He says offended

"It was a joke, can't a sick girl make a good joke without getting judged!" I laugh

"Okay-okay! I'll be right back, do you need anything?" He ask heading towards the door

"More blankets and pillows! Oh and some tea" I plead

"What type of tea?" 

"Jasmin tea, obviously?!" I snap giggling

He walks out the door smirking, closing the door behind him. As soon as he left the room fell quiet, the only sound was me ruffling the bedsheets and the outside world trying to come in. The birds sat at the tree by my bedroom window, tweeting soft melody's.  

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