Chapter 33: My Luce

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Narrator's POV:
Grandina and Natsu got in their car and drove the ten minute drive to
The Heartfilia mansion.
The blue cat Happy had awoken from his slumber.
(A/n: yes they bought Happy)
Natsu gave his furry friend a fish.
The group arrive at the steel gates of The Heartfilia Mansion.

Layla's POV:
I wonder why Grandina sent me that weird text message
Oh well
I'm here putting Lucy's hair in pigtails when there's a knock at the door and a voice says "Mistress may I come in?"
I automatically know that voice
"Come in Virgo!" I replied
"Mistress you have a visitor waiting for you down stairs"
"A visitor?" I questioned
"I'm sorry they told me not to tell you who they are" she informs me
"Will I receive punishment for not telling you?"
"Thank you Virgo I'll be right down and no punishment I've already told you about saying that."
"Yes Mistress"
"I'll be off now"
She bows and leaves
I pick Lucy up and we begin our walk downstairs.
"Who do you I'm mysterious visitors are Lucy?"
She just shugs at the question
I'm about halfway down the winding staircase when my eyes catch blue and pink dots.
I know exactly who it is as I start sprinting down the stairs.
"Grandina!!!!" I yelled as I jump into her arms being careful  of to squish Lucy.

Grandina's POV:
I see Layla running down the stairs with tears in her eyes and Lucy in her arms.
Next thing I know she jumps into my arms hugging me not to tight of course not wanting to squish baby Lucy.
"What are you doing here?!"
She says as she sobs into my baby blue and white ruffled mini crop top.
I tell her the whole story
"No wonder you sent me that text message"
She exclaims

"Yep that's right" I say

Layla then bends down to Natsu's height and ruffles his hair.

Layla's POV:
"Natsu I see you've grown a little taller"
"Yeah I have godma"
"32 inches"
Natsu informed me
Natsu keeps staring at my arms with a slight blush.
I notice hes staring at Lucy in my arms and she's reaching out for him.
"Here you go Natsu"

Natsu's POV:
She finally hands me Luce and I smile my signature smile.
"Hi Luce"
"Remember me?"
I ask the blond hair baby girl

Her chocolate brown eyes meet with my onyx eyes
She smiles the most angelic smile at me
I cradle her close to my heart and she smiles even more and starts to giggle I can't help but smile even more.

She was so adorable
Her blond hair was tied into two pigtails
She was wearing a greenish dress with pink sleeves and black shoes.
"Beautiful" I say to her
She hugs me as tight as her little strength can muster.
I return the hug

Oh Happy I almost forgot about ya"
"Luce this is my new cat Happy"
"Happy this is Luce"

Luce grabs Happy and gives him a hug
Happy starts to purr in her warm embrace
"I knew Happy would like you Luce"
I say as I kiss her forehead.

I hear mum and godma say
"Awww how cute!"

I just ignore the blush creeping on my face from their comments.
I think to myself
"I never want this moment to end"
"I never want to go back home"
"I just want to always be with MY LUCE!"

End chapter
I finally did
I didn't expect this story to be so long but that's what happens when you let your imagination run wild.
My hands are cramping from all the writing and typing I did.
Hope you all enjoyed the first part of In Love with an Female Escort Past Arc: part 1.
I didn't expect so many views, votes, and comments.
Thank you so much!
Part 2 will be coming soon!
I love you all!!!

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