
16 1 0

(Dan's POV)

He thought he was alone underneath the rainy sky that seemed relentless to let up.

But apparently he was wrong.

"Catch that letter!"

He had turned around, only to be greeted with paper to the face.

A fantastic start to the day.

"I am so sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen! Are you okay? I mean you must be okay if you are still standing and given it is only just a piece of paper- anyways, I'm really sorry."

Dan was still in the process of removing the envelope from his face in the time period it took for the other to say everything.

He was ready to be angry, shout, scold, but with the sight he was greeted with, all he could do was hold his breath.

Ivory skin that clashed with ebony hair, and ocean blue eyes that could pierce through you if you weren't careful.

A beautiful sight.

"O-oh no. It's not a problem, sir."

I merely handed the envelope back to the ivory-skinned beauty, and turned away, expecting him to run.

He didn't know why he'd stay.

But he did.

"Sorry to say your not going to keep your peace and quiet much longer, I'm a chatterbox."

I admired his honesty in a trait I could only see as a flaw in myself.

But for him it seemed perfect.

"It's alright. I'm a good listener, or so I've been told."

He offered the other male a smile, but his eyes did not crinkle.

Though this man's did.

"Great! I've been waiting talk to someone for hou- oh my. You must be freezing!"

I suddenly was confused until I looked down, I was only wearing a shirt up top.

I'd forgotten my jacket.

"I'm fine, I promise."

But this didn't seem to satisfy him, for in few swift moments he'd managed to remove his jacket and place it around my shoulders.

His bright red jacket.

It smelled like honey and vanilla mixed together,

It smelled great.

"There's no need to-"


He cut me off, waving it away as if though it were nothing.

I looked at the shirt he was wearing, it had a lion on it.

It fit him quite well.

"Well, thank you."

He smiled, the crinkles in the corner of his eyes showing again.

But mine did not.

"I'm sorry to have been so terribly rude, and you don't even know my name!"

Yes, that was correct.

I did not know his name.

Zach? Jackson? Winston?

This names did not seem to suit him.

But just as he was about to state his name, his bus came and he waved me goodbye and hustled aboard it,

Most likely to get away from me.

But to my surprise he was waving goodbye from the back of the bus, and I felt obliged to wave back,

Only to notice I was still wearing his jacket.

I panicked.

I was no thief, but did this count as stealing if it was given to you?

I looked back up to see that that bus, and the mysterious boy, had both vanished.

And the only thing I had to remember him by was his,

bright red jacket.


Sorry for such a short chapter, this is my first time using this website, and I've got say it's rather snazzy.

I just wanted to apologize for the length and I'll try and make the other ones longer, I promise!

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