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(Phil's POV)

Phil didn't mind that the boy had his jacket, he had seemed to need it more then him, and besides,

He had to send this letter.

But even after his errand had been done and a whole week had passed,

He could not rid his mind of that boy from the bus stop.

It was just something about his big brown doe eyes,

His round face, that made you want to wrap your arms around him and never let him be in harm's way.

But who was he to know?

For all he knew,

This boy could be rich and famous or whatnot.

Phil sighed as he lay back on his bed,

He didn't feel like making a video today,

But on the other hand,

He did.

He eventually got up and decided to go out and get a cup of coffee.

Maybe he'd see this mysterious beauty.



He taken a 15 minute walk down to the local coffee shop,

Cozy and an at home atmosphere surrounding him.

He liked it.

He stood in line behind a man just as equally tall as him,

Which was quite odd.

He was always the tallest,


"I'm sorry sir, but your a dollar short, and I cannot allow you to have the coffee."

Phil hadn't meant to eavesdrop,

It'd just happened.

"Please- I need this. I've had a stressful week and need something to stimulate my-"

"I'm sorry sir,"

The voice cut him off rudely and fueled Phil up for some reason.

He was suddenly standing beside the man,

Pulling a dollar out of his pocket.

"This should cover the cost, and here,"

He handed another ten and ordered his own drink before turning to the man he'd paid for,

Only to see big brown doe eyes,

Staring right back at him.

"I-its you!"

Was the only thing to come out of Phil's mouth,

So intelligent.

"I-its me."

The man smiled,

But the corners of his eyes did not crinkle,

He wondered what it would take,

To get a real smile.

"Hey, I've actually been thinking about you,"

Creepy much, Philip?

But the boy did not seem bothered.

"As have I, I've got something of yours,"

He slipped off the bright red jacket he was wearing,

My jacket.

I smiled and pushed it back towards him,

Gaining a confused glance.

"It looks better on you,"

Along with a small blush.

A feeling of warmth climbed upon my own cheeks,

Before it was interrupted by a shout of my order,

A desperately flirting girl.

I only politely took my drink and turned back to see that the boy had left,

But had left something behind.

Something bright orange,


His number,

With a little heart scribbled sloppyily at the end.

A smile curled up my lips as I took the orange paper, folding it,

Carefully setting it into my pocket.

It may have only been the second time he'd meet the boy-

The boy.

He still didn't know his name.

He suddenly felt like the piece of paper was burning a hole in his pocket,

Like he needed to call it.

Right now.

But Phil calmed himself and sat in the warm shop,

Slowly sipping his coffee,

And thinking of those big brown doe eyes,

and the orange paper that rested safely in his pants pocket.


I must certainly hope this was longer, and better! I'm trying my best here and I didn't know what the orange object should've been at first,

But I figured it out. ENJOY!

(P.S. I know they don't use dollars in the UK. They use pounds, but this us easier. Okay?)

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