2016 is an unpredictable year. Perhaps not as packed with anticipated releases as 2015, but there are excitements to be have. DC and Marvel is going head to head - a minor battle between Doctor Strange and the Suicide Squad and the final battle betw...
And thus ended one of the greatest trilogy ever made...
The Kung Fu Panda trilogy really is a work of perfection. It is perfect in the sense that it's not the greatest thing ever... but it is what it is. And what it is... is quite amazing.
Usually after the first movie making such a great impression despite its title and the second movie exceeding the expectation even more, the 3rd movie should serve a good dish of disappointment. And from the trailer released earlier this year and towards the end of last year, I was ready for a disappointing experience. Little did I know I was in for a treat.
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Kung Fu Panda 3 starts out filled with comedy and energy. Even the sequence introducing the DreamWorks logo is made to be entertaining. From then on we know that the filmmakers behind this movie are dedicated to make every frame of this movie counts.
The story once again follows the Panda named Po who in the previous movies master Kung Fu and became the Dragon Warrior. Now a new foe has arrived and Po has to protect his people once again, only this time there's an added issue of the arrival of his newfound biological dad.
The opening title uses a multiple frames techniques – where a single frame will be divided into many frames. Actions are packed into a single moment. We suddenly feel the momentum of the story. It's fast. It's powerful. It also knows that it's kinda silly, so it features some out-right dummy jokes. The movie also knows how to respect its characters. Yes, the jokes are stupid, but the characters are not dragged down by those jokes. They have the capacity to be emotional and be serious.
Just like Zootopia, this movie features some of the most beautiful animation work I've seen in a very long time. They are impressive. For example, the opening sequence features a spiritual battle in the supernatural realm. The realm is golden yellow, islands of diamond-shaped rocks and stones hover around – somehow the way they animate the hovering so captured my eyes... it's like if you slow-mo a scene of exploding mountains and the rocks just kind of float steadily toward the screen which creates almost a sense of hesitancy and ambiguity associated with the spirit realm. The calm environment contrasts so beautifully with the explosive brawls - our characters fling themselves all over the screen. Every punch vibrates into a visible wavering ring of energy... screaming into our faces that THESE CHARACTERS ARE POWERFUL! We get it, movie... and we love it.
Po in this movie is still a loveable idiot. But he has progressed from the last film even more. He is powerful and respected. We are not going through the same plot point of him having to prove himself anymore. Now everyone look to Po as if he can take care of himself. They have accepted him. Unlike the previous movie where he is still learning and he still has to prove himself to those who do not know him. In this movie no one is forcing himself or herself into respecting him, they make fun of him... joke with him like he's just one of them. The conflicts between these characters have worn out. A new conflict will arrive in the form of Po's father.
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Voiced by Bryan Cranston, Po's father is likeable, funny and human. He's flawed; he's stupid sometimes; he makes mistakes in the movie, but they are forgivable because he makes them for the reasons we can understand. He's a great character. Alongside him is Po's second father... or original father... or adoptive father... depends on how you look at it... the goose! Yet another character that seems to be making mistakes but for the right reasons... there is a sense that between both of these fathers, Po has a pretty damn good family. There is a great line in the movie by the goose about how Po is still confused but he still has to be the Dragon Warrior.
And that once again is why Po is so well written here. Unlike in the previous movie, he is not going to second-guess his responsibility. He's the dragon warrior and he owns that role. Thus his character is much more admirable.
Now, to make this movie feels great, the villain has to live up to all this. This one is voiced by J.K. Simmons. He is a clichéd bad guy, but he poses such a threat that I can't help but really like him. He's not nearly as interesting as the villain from the 2nd movie but definitely feels more threatening. He's a great foe for Po to go up against.
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When I was watching this movie, I felt like the end fight was rather underwhelming.. But somehow it was still a very satisfying ending. I concluded that this was because although the fights may not be visually amazing or may not contain a Rocky vs. Apollo or a Creed vs. Conlan quality... but what it is an internal battle... an emotional battle. One of the final actions Po in this movie finally makes him the true Dragon Warrior. He has achieved his journey. He has saved his people once again.
That leaves the question of where this might lead? I personally suggest they end the franchise here. This is a perfect trilogy. Do not mess it up. Perhaps spin-offs or prequels can be made. I'd like to see an expanded backstory of the Furious Five who I thought were rather underused in this movie. That is, by the way, one of my main gripes. I love these guys especially Tigress whose character is extremely deep. Maybe show these guys on their side missions... for once let them take the full spotlight.
This is universe deserving of an expansion. It starts out as a simple idea, but by now it is full-fleshed mythology ready to be explored.
I really do love this movie, admittedly probably not enough to put it over the 2nd one, which in my opinion is the best of the franchise. But this movie achieves its goal. It perfectly concludes an amazing trilogy. For that, an 8.3/10
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