Chapter1 "Where it all started"

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lily Pov

"What should I do Liz please help me I really do love him" I whined to my best friend about my crush.

"nope lily u really should get over him, he and his gang are really dangerous and you need to keep yourself out of their problems " she warned me, but what the hell should I do I really love that boy but my family doesn’t allow me to date him cuz he is really bad and they don’t want me getting hurt. Oh wait I didn’t tell u my story so let's start. First of all his name is zayn  and he that punk kind where his body is covered with tattoos and I am an innocent girl with high As and all, I don’t know why I fell for him maybe is because he asked my out and I rejected him cuz I didn’t have feelings for him and that now I want him back? Maybe? And now after I rejected him I have feelings for him I know confusing. So I am really afraid if his reaction if I told him I love him that’s why I am too chicken to tell him.


Guys first chapter is up.

i am really sorry u guys <3

if anyone can help me with readers u can kik me my kik is NooNaa_Tss <3

i love you so much

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