Chapter 18 "confusion?"

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Zayn Pov

I woke up at 9 and went to check on Lily I don’t know why I bother about her I don’t love her.

I went to search on the floor where she was last night but I couldn’t find her.

I saw all her belongs on the floor. I went running to the bathroom and found nothing. She is gone. Calm down Zayn maybe she went home? Yeah she went? But how could she all the doors are locked. SHIT SHIT SHIT. I need to check if she is with them. I dialed Kian's number "Hey Za-" I cut him off "Is Lily with you guys?" I asked quickly "Um no?" he said back not sure "Well ok bye" I said and hung up.

I went searching everywhere but didn’t find a glimpse of Lily. She left/ she left because of me, she left because of the pain I caused her .I don’t know what to do right now. I just want Lily back.


I was searching for 2 hours now and I still couldn’t find Lily. I just want to see her again.

I heard the door bell ring and I went running to it. I thought Lily will be standing there but instead I saw my sister veronica. She looks tired but then I remembered Vic lived with me she might have saw Lily.  She looked at me with confused look was never quite but today I was "Hey Zayn" she said "Hey vic, did you see a girl with brown hair in here this morning or even maybe last night?" I asked her she paused and spoke "Zayn Lily is in the hospital sh-" "where? How? When?" I said cutting her "Well she didn’t eat nor slept well. And the floor was so hard on her back. I saw her today and she looked awful so I took her to the hospital" Vic said to me and I was in the average of tears. How can u do this so such an innocent girl? I really need to stop hurting her. She deserve more than this. From now on I am not touching her nor talk to her. She is in the hospital form me! "Umm" I couldn’t speak my tongue was tied up "Zayn listen up, she doesn’t want to see you again. She told me not to tell you but I couldn’t help it you need to know. She is sleeping right now from all the pain in her body so I suggest that you stay at home" my mouth was hung open.  She didn’t want to see me anymore. I looked at Vic "Vic you really need to help me…." I began "I lost her for the second time. I lost the greatest thing that ever happened to me and when I finally got her she didn’t want me anymore. WHY CANT ANYONE SEE THIS? WHY CANT SHE SEE IT I'M IN LOVE WITH HER BUT SHE DON’T WANT ME ANYMORE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as Vic swung her hands on my shoulders and pulled me for a hug as I cried into her neck.

I need to see her. Right now I really need to I don’t care if she's asleep. I finally admit that I love her. But I won't tell her if she's awake I will just get the hell out of her life. She deserves someone that would take care of her someone good someone who is not me.

I went into my car and went straight to the hospital. I went to the reception and they gave me her room number 609. '606,607,608,609! Counting to myself and entered her room slowly. Lily was lying there silently; her face was pale as snow. Her chest slowly rising and falling. She looked beautiful I sat beside her and kissed the corner of her lips slowly. She was so weak I just didn’t know I caused her that much pain .I smiled as I saw the bracelet I gave her 2 years ago. She was still wearing it. The room was silent the only sound is the machines buzzing "I'm sorry" I whispered. I know she can't hear me but I continued "I really didn’t mean to hurt you; I was just shocked and blind not to see it. I can be a bit of a jerk as you said. But you bring that side of me. You drive me crazy I just don’t know how to show it I just don’t know how to show how much I love you…" I whispered the last part slowly I kissed her hand and tears were falling down my eyes and into her palm. I stood up and headed to the door without turning back.

Lliy POV

I felt nothing. Everything was dark .I couldn’t move nor open my eyes. I felt someone next to me. The person started sobbing and saying sorry. I didn’t know who it was because I couldn’t open up my eyes. I felt the person kissing my hands and tears fell on my palm. I really feel bad for that person but nobody have hurt me the past week? Who is that person? I thought to myself. I felt the person leave and I could open my eyes. I saw a dark, tall figure's back on the door leaving I couldn’t tell who was the person but I knew he was a guy and was saying. I really need to know who that guy is.

I saw Vic, Zayn's sister coming into the room. I and she are becoming so close since the day she took me to the hospital and away from Zayn. It has been 3 days since that mystery guy and I haven’t told any soul. I am still in the hospital and all the girls have visited me. I was really getting well and I am going out of this hell you call hospital. I'm going home YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY.

Vic drove me and we started a convo in the car.


Vic: "have you seen Zayn since the accident?"

Me: "it's not an accident he hurt me and he ment every single thing, and yeah I haven’t and glad I didn't". I said annoyed he really did hurt me this time and I'm planning on ignoring him for the rest of my life.

Vic:"well maybe he didn’t mean it? Maybe he is hiding something?"She said. Hiding something? Yeah maybe such as hate?  Or maybe even more. I felt my eyes about to tear but I stopped them. I can't let them fall, I need to be strong and erase him out of my life. Zayn is gone to me. He is now nothing. I won't cry or even face him. I will ignore him for the rest of my life. "You still there?" Vic said worriedly "Um yeah what were you saying?" I asked her. She just laughed a little and looked away. We stopped at my house and headed to bed. Finally home! I thought. I didn’t even see my mother so I think she is out. Yeah three days out of home and she doesn't even care. Prefect. I saw a note on the fridge 'I went for a 7 days holiday with my best friend. Don’t stay at home. Go search for a friend house or something I don’t want you burning the house.

Love mom ' I looked at the paper shocked is she serious? Where should I go? This is not happening? Omg I am about to cry….

She really didn’t care?

I was out of the house for 4 days and when I come back I see this well yaaay me .. "Note the sarcasm"

I  thought of calling Liz so I can stay at hers but her mother is really weird and strang sometimes.


Ezzy maybe?

But I don’t know her for that long it wont be good..

Mmm these are the only friends I have..


"Even if the stars and moon-"

My phone rang Demi  song

"Hello" I answered not bothering to look a the caller's ID

"Hey Lil Its vIc Ijust thought you might come to stay with us cuz I know your mother is out cuz my mother is with her too?"

I really didn’t want to ace zayn  but that was the only option left..

"I don’t know vic…. Will zany be there"

"No I just told him to leave and stay with Jake or someone.."

"Please" She said again

"Alright just give me an hour I'll be there"

I said back

"Thank youuuuuuuuuu, see ya bye "


The warm water took over my body as I closed my eyes..

I could stay like this forever..

I stayed under the warm water for about 20 minutes and then thought it was time to have my normal shower routine.




I dressed in a minty green short dress that goes to the middle of my thighs with some formal jacket.

I packed my stuff.

And headed to Zayn and Vics house..

Long chapter <3

this i the last chapter of the week !

I'll update again on sunday i hope you like the chap and Lily's outfit is in the side bar !!

iLysm <3


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