Finding Dorinda

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The complete Finding Dorinda, Enjoy. 



“Get up.” My mother yelled from downstairs. She still thinks she wakes me up, not that she would notice I am awake before she is as I go on morning runs around the park near my house.

“Getting up” I called back as I jumped in the shower and did my normal morning routine. Jogging down the stairs I almost ran into my mum, she was wearing her favourite ‘work’ get-up and her long red hair hung limply around her face and down her back.

“Morning Mum,” I said in a sing-song voice, “Can you give me a life, I got a flat tire on the way home yesterday and I didn’t have time to pump it up?” she looked at me, she had never like when I rode to school on my bike as there had been a lot of car jacking’s around town and what not.

“Sure, your safer at least,” she said in a noneshalant voice but I could hear her true worry. “Be ready in 10.” I quickly packed my bag and walked out the door with toast still in my mouth we got in the car and drove off.

An awkward car ride later my mum was driving up to the front gates of Rosehill College, when I got out. “Thanks. Love you mum, see you at dinner” I said as I ran to the front door in hope I wasn’t late for my class.

 “Love you too sweetie” she sang and I waved with a smile at the car as it went down the school parking lot and turned off the road. Walking to my first class I noticed I wasn’t as late, most people were now just heading out to class and I walked into math just as the warning bell rang thought the school. With a quick wave towards the back at my friends I took my seat up front.

“Right class, I have taught you everything I was supposed to this week, you have a free period, be quite, and don’t annoy me I am still marking your papers from last week.” The class erupted in a small mummer as people started talking and moving around.

Jane my best friend walked up to me and sat on my desk. “Almost late again I see,”

“Slept in and had to get mum a lift, my tyres were flat.” I said in a musical voice to show her my amusement, with my crappy tyres. I was always getting flats and what not. As I finished something in my bag began to vibrate, I took out my phone and noticed mum was ringing me.

“Hey mum, can’t talk for long still in class.” I said quickly stealing glances at the teacher.

“Ugh, my name is Mack McLaren from the fire department. Julie Knight had been rushed to hospital suffering from a car accident. You were her emergency contact on her phone.” He said slowly.

My face drained of all colour and my thought constricted and I couldn’t talk. Jane had noticed my discomfort and took the phone from me as tears began to overflow and run silently down my cheeks.

“Hello?” she asked, seconds later her face palled and she pulled me out of my seat after talking to the man on the phone. By now the class had seen or heard my sobs and looked towards me. I could talk, I was shell shocked. I saw my mother not 20minutes ago when she looked fit as a fiddle and now she was fighting for her life in hospital.

Black patches started to blur my vision as I sprung out of my seat and out the door. Jane walking with me while we went to the car park looking at her she nodded as if saying she would take me to the hospital to see my mum.

We were there within minutes and Jane did all the talking while I sat in the waiting room till doctors told us what was happening. An hour into the operation a doctor walked out with a grim face.

“Dorinda Knight?” he called out through the small room packed with nervous people. I stood with Jane next to me while he talked. “Dorinda, your mother was good for the first half an hour of the operation but she had lost too much blood by the time she got here, we tried everything we could. I’m sorry but she’s gone.”

Finding DorindaWhere stories live. Discover now