Part 2/Dimples you could drown in...

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Sunday went by fast since i had a lot to do,so now i wake to the sound of my freaking alarm"Fuck".
I take a shower,put on my favorite jeans and a cute floral top.
I take a look in the mirror,and i'm not so horrible looking,im tall,light brown eyes,and long dirty blond hair.

Before i put on a little make up and make a little cute braid in my hair,playing music from my on my Ipod,because hey...why not.
I walk down to the coffe shop,and when i walk in instantly my nostrils fill with the smell of coffe and desserts.
I order a latte and a muffin,and since i have some time i sit down and i take a look at my school books.

"Hi" i look up and see a beautifull girl with raven hair,and dark brown eyes smiling at me.
"Hi" i return her smile.
"I saw your book,and was wondering if you go to my school,since its the closest school in the area,Farrow High?"

"Yeah,i start today actually,have a seat"i point at the seat next to me.
"Sure" she smiles so sweatly.
"Im Emily"she says.
"Nice to meet you,im Lara,i just moved here"
"I can tell" she giggles,"what grade are you in?"
"Junior" i smile.
"O my gosh,me too" She gasps.
"Im sorry,im beeing a total creep,you don't even know me and here i am trying to push my friendship down your throat" she blushes.

I laugh "no,of course not ,im kind of lonley,i moved here just a couple a days ago,so really meeting you is a blessing" i say dramatically.
She laughs "I'm kind of a loner too. Do you want me to show you around?"
That actually makes me really happy,i made a friend on my first day,i mentally high-five myself.

"So do you wana walk to school,we have time,you'll learn the way,and this way we get to know eachother?"
"I would love that"

Emily tells me all about the best places here,about school,and the teachers,and apparantly her cousin goes to our school.
She is really sweet,considering she doesn't really know me.

After 20 minutes we get to school and walk in and evreybody is staring at me.
"Okay the principals office is down the hall third door left,ill see you later and call me if you need anything"she smiles.
I don't know what gets over me and i hug her "Thank you,i hope this isn't to awkward" I laugh.

"Well miss Marin,your grades are impressive,so i truly hope  you are happy here"Mr.Franklyn says.
"Thank you,me too"
"Lets go,im gona escort you to your first class,since i have to talk to your teacher","okay"i say.

"You know" he continues while walking "we didn't have a lot of places for new students left,but your father is really
persuasive ".

"He does that" i whisper.

As we walk doen the hallway,someone catches my eye,well he goes hardly unnoticeable.He is tall,and i just don't mean notmal tall,since im quite tall,i know the difference.
He has brown eyes,and dark brown hair,he's just wearing a regular white shirt and jeans,but something about him makes you look twice.

As we walk he winks at me and smiles.
Wierdly a smile formes on my face too.
Stop it Lara!

He has dimmples so deep,you can swimm in.
Damn hormones.

"Hello class" Mr Franklyn says as i walk behind him "Miss Patric,this is our new student Lara Marin"
Miss Patric is quite pretty"Have a seat miss Marin"
As i walk to my seat i feel all eyes on me.

Mr.Frankly leaves and miss Patric clasps her hands and says"okay miss Marin would you like to tell us something about your self"
"Okay" i almost whisper,and stand up.
Just as i begin to talk the door opend and the cute boy from the hall walks in,not caring that the teacher is there.

"Mr James,"Miss Patric says in a monotone voice "Please take a seat before i give you detention"
He just smiles,until his eyes land on me,he looks for a while,before sitting down.
He sits down and miss Patric tells me to continue.
"Hi,im Lara Marin"i smile "I'm 17 years old,and i just moved here from South Europe"this is awkward.

"I love books,music,movies and tv shows" I cringe. God kill me.
"Which country did you come from?"a girl with red hair asks me.
"Oh right,um Italy."I smile."Its a really beautifull country and i really..."

"Why don't you have and accent"the boy from the hallway-Mr.James interrupts me,while raising an eyebrow.
I arch my eybrow at him and coldly reply "i grew up learning english,reading books,watching movies so that probably why"

"No need to get mad."he smiles.

I wana kill him.

"Okay,thats enough,thank you miss Marin"
I turn to see the interrupting asshole,and he simply winks and smiles at me,showing his dimples.
Cute dimmples though....
Shut up hormones.

Emily comes up to me after class,while im putting my books in my new locker.
"How was class?" she asks
"Okay i guess,there was this asshole though"
She giggles and says"how about after school you come by the ice cream place i work at,you can tell me all about this guy,ill give you some ice cream,and you can meet my cousin?"
"That sound very therapeutic."

After school ends i walk out of school,through  the parking lot and suddenly bump into something or someone while looking down at my phone.
"Oh,sorr.." I stop mid sentence as i see who it is.

Okay,im not some bitter teenager who is mad just because of one snarky remark,i'm mad because im a good judge of character,and he is a bad boy,boys like him always cause trouble.

I set me mouth in a grim line and stare at him.
"Hi " he says with a smirk on his face.
"Hi" i say between grinted teeth,and try to walk past him but he again blocks my path.

"Oh come on princess"
"Get out off my way you ass!"i shout.
"I like 'em feisty"he smirks

As i try to walk past him again he grabs my arm,wich causes the books in my hand to fall,and i don't now what comes over me,that im mad,or him,buy i slap his cheek.

He just stares at me in suprise
while his cheek turns red,and i walk away.
As i turn to look at him i swear i can see him smile...


Hi guys,hope you like this chapter   😊.
Please vote,comment and share,it means a lot to me 😄

Sara 🌷

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