Part 4/I guess i have a new friend.

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"Fall Out Boy?"Caleb asks as he walks me home,we've been asking each other questions like this for the past 20 minutes.
"Love,love,love.I wana marry Pete."i say maybe a little to enthusiastically.
Caleb just smile with his cute dimples.
"Favorite album?"
"Save Rock n' Roll. Definitely."

"That's my favorite too." he smiles.

"Hey James." a talk boy with blonde hair shouts.
"McCuller."Caleb shouts back,honestly what is it with boys and making my ears bleed.
He walks over and talks to Caleb befor looking at me smiling he says"So you managed to get the new girl already,impresive."

Caleb doesn't even deny it,and just scoffs and says"This is Lara."
"Hi" i say,and try to manage a smile.
"Well hello,beautiful lady,welcome to our country"he says to me ad if i'm an alien.

"You know i speak fluent English right?"i reply and Caleb laughs.
"Right" he says looking a little embarrassed.
"So what are you doing Caleb?" he says.
"She's my cousins friend. I was just showing her around."Caleb laughs with the boy whose name i don't know.


"So you wana come to Jacobsons place James?"he asks Caleb.
"Yeah,i got nothing better to do."
Honestly that hurt a little.

"Im gona go home"i say and turn to walk to my apartmen,and i hear the guy shout "You fine ass thing." and i just wana die as people turn to look at me.


The next day at school evreything seems to be going fine.
Some people have said hi to me wich is nice.
3rd period i have biology with Emily and apparently...Caleb.

We take our seats and i notice that Tucker is in this class to,
He's really sweet,he said hi,and asked if i need any help.
"Could you help me murder your bestfriend?"i ask sweetly and he just chuckles.

"Hello class,today we are picking partners,seeing as you all will be working i pairs until the end of the school year"our teacher Mrs.Gilbert says.
"And since last year ladies picked their partners,this year is the gentelmens turn"she smiles.
Caleb turns his head slightly and smiles at me.

Why is he smiling?

"And by the way,i hope you feel comfortable at our school Miss Marin" she smiles at me.
She pases a bowl,wich i am assuming has our names in it.
"Evreybody pick a card,but don't open it."Mrs Gilbert continues "Ladies stand in front of the black board please."
"I feel like at the meat market" Emily
whispers to me and I nod.
"Okay,mr.Nicolson please read your card"the teacher says.

"Jessica" the boy reads and smiles,and then Jessica goes and sits by him.
After a couple of minutes a lot of girls had sat down.

"Mr.Bennet?" The teacher asks.
"Emily" Tucker says,with a grin.
So its just me and 3 other girls left,and i see Caleb winking at them,and i bet one of them is going to faint when he says their name.Get some dignity girls.

Caleb opens up the card dramatically,and he smirks after seeing the name.
"Lara"he says rolling his tongue at the R.
And my eyes just widen,o god why?
I can seriously feel the death glares the cheerleaders are giving me.

I just take a seat near him and ex hale loudly.
"Something wrong dollface"?he says with a stupid smirk.
"Screw you." I reply coldly.
"Yes,please"he smiles.

And i just roll my eyes,god please give me patience not to kill him until the end of the school year.
I'm  on my free period right now,and i'm walking down the empty hallway,you'd think you'd see someone but no.
I lean against my locker and and scroll threw my phone,until i feel to big arms cage me against the lockers.
I look up to see non other than...

"What." I say in a bored tone,but my heart rate says im evreything but bored.

"Nothing,just wanted to know my partner a little better." He says with an evil smirk.
"Get away from me." I say firmly,causing him to back up immediately.
That's what I thought.
"Unfortunately we have been put together to work on this damn project. But Its okay,I can work with anyone. I just have to lay down the rules for you."

"Rules?" He seems intrigued.
"Yes. For example : I will not do It all on my own and put your name on it. We will work equally,and professionally,meaning no horrible cheesy one liners. Or,we both fail. Got it?"
"Got it."
"Good." I start to walk past him and hear his voice.

"And I thought we were becoming friends."
"We are."

Hi guys! :)

Please share,like and comment i would love to know what you all think <3
Hope you enjoyed!

Sara 🌺

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