First day of Hogwarts

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Belania's POV.

I opened my eyes groggily, the sound of clanking pots and running water in the kitchen waking me from what seemed like an endless sleep.

"What year is it?" I muttered before pulling the covers around my ears, trying to block out the noise.

I then realised something. Today was Semptember the first! And that meant my first day of Hogwarts! I sat up, all drowsiness aside, and quickly scrambled out of bed. Before I layed a toe on the hardwood floor, I already tripped over an invisible force. I landed on the ground, and scowled. I honestly don't knis how I can be related to my father, as he is quick, neat, and respected. I got off the floor, rubbing my shin, and slunked over to my bureau. I took a hairbrush off the top, and started yanking it through my hair, which looked like a bright red nest. After I had brushed out my nest, gotten dressed, and made my bed, I left my room for breakfast, tripping over the invisible force, banging my head on the wall.

"Dad! I'm awake!"

I said, striding into the sitting room. My father, Severus Snape, sat in a lounge chair, book in hand.

"I never would have noticed."

He said sarcasticlly, putting his book down on the side table.

"Don't be dumb, dad." I said, kissing him on the cheek. He patted my head, kissed the tip of my nose, and returned to his book

"Breakfast is on the table, Belaina." He said. I sighed.

"It's not Belaina, dad. It's Bean. You KNOW that." I said, reminding him of the crazy nickname I had come up with when I was six. He shook his head.

"Beans are a vegatable. My daughter is not a veggetable. At least, I believe she isn't a veggetable." He said, a small smirk playing on his lips.

I grinned and walked down on the hallway and into the kitchen.

Oatmeal sat on the table in a blue bowl, steaming hot and thick. As soon as I sat down, I started shoving it down my throat like there was no tomorow.

"Do not eat like an animal, Belania Lily!"

Father said sharply from the other room. I pushed the bowl across the table, emtpy except for the bits I couldn't get. I got out of my chair, and re-entered to sitting room, twidiling my thumbs behind my back.

"Can we go now, dad?" I asked, turning on the heel of my sneaker.

"Not now. It's not even nine o' clock yet." He replied, eyes not glancing up from the pages of his novel. I groaned impatiently.

"But I want to go NOW." I complained, an whiney edge in my voice. He looked at me, shutting the book.

"Go make sure you're packed." He said sharply. I shrugged.

"Alright." I sighed, and turned to go upstairs.

Two and a half hours later.

I apparated to King's Cross station, hand clenched in my dad's. I didn't know how to apparate, so I had to use side-by-side apparation, which was scary enough already. I sure wasn't looking foreward to running into a stone wall.

"Isn't that illeagal?" I asked.

"No," was the sharp reply.

I shrugged and wheeled my cart down the stone walkway, trunk and Owl cage strapped to it. All of my things were in that trunk. All my books, cloaks, my phoenix feather wand, and a stack on parchment and envelopes.

"Remember now, run right at the wall, and watch out for passing muggles. Do NOT crash into them."

My father instructed.

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