Looney Toons Show

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The following entries were found from a journal of a man who was brutally murdered. His name is not mentioned to protect his identity.
June 4, 2011

As a kid, I loved the Looney Tunes, it was my favorite show. And hearing of the remake "The Looney Tunes Show", I didn't know what to think. It looked like the jokes were lame, the plots were rushed, and nothing like the original. The first episode I watched was a pretty good one, the one with Bugs and Lola. The next day, I was sent a message by a friend, who shared my interests. It was a link to a video, and the message said "Only a true fan can handle their twisted versions.". I didn't know what to think. As I got to the video, it was flagged. I said "OK.", and signed in. I noticed something odd, the views were only 6, so how could it of been inappropriate? Who knows.

When it got to the video, it was black for 5 seconds, then it cut to Bugs and Daffy's house. They were moving around, as if they were talking, but they said nothing, their mouths were not even moving. Then I noticed a anonymous mask in the window, it was emotionless. The sky was also black, representing night. They kept moving, simulating that they were speaking, and making gestures. Their was also a sound, like a reversed electric guitar note, and it kept playing throughout the whole thing. Then I saw two people, they were both white, female teenagers, who were gagged. Then I saw both of them shaking, as if they were laughing, then the two girls were set on fire, but they weren't cartoon looking, they were the real deal. Then they started shaking faster, as if they were sped up. Then it cut to bugs, who's mouth was gone. Then it cut to Daffy's face, and it was weird. If you have seen the end of suicide mouse, where Mickey's face was white, it was like that. He was also rocking his head forward, like he was head banging. Then it cut to Bugs, whom was covering his mouth, eyes were black, and his ears were drooped, and I mean impossibly, unrealistically drooped. Then I heard some piano music, it was odd though, it didn't seem as if it fitted, and it was just... off. Then Daffy, looked angry, as if his family had just been killed.

Then it cut to Bugs, who was now speaking, but he was still covering his mouth, which I saw green substance smearing around his hands, escaping, his eyes were now invisible, same deal with his ears. Then Daffy, was designed differently, his beak was gone, and replaced with a simple slap-on mouth, his eyes were also slanted, as if they were Asian. Then it cut to bug who was now shaking, violently. His face was gone, and it had a hint of red to it. The episode then had dialogue, but the video was replaced of a text. "If only you knew the power, that one human can be capable of." I did a small laugh, because this obviously had nothing to do with the show so far, then my speakers exploded with sound, even when I muted them, they were still making noise. Then the dialogue returned, but one flaw, it was reversed. So I recorded the video, reversed it, and this is what it said.

Bugs: Nobody realizes, that one man, can destroy the world.

Daffy: Humans are just to cowardly. All these nukes, all this power, and they just waste it.

Muffled Screaming*
Bugs: Do you think we should end these sad, pitiful lives?
Daffy: Of course!

Bugs: And we were cartoon legends.
Daffy: Hah!

Both: *Laughing*
Then it ended. A notification popped up saying that the internet had to be closed. I then went back to history, everything was gone. My computer then shut off in like 2 seconds. Then it turned back on in 2 seconds. Every single thing on my computer, was gone. Then the floor started to rumble, it was a earthquake. Countless hours later, the news said that Kentucky was nuked... and I live in Florida. It is unknown who did it, but it was related to the video.

June 5, 2011

Today I was just walking around town, finding that I had some change left, and since I was getting thirsty, i decided to get a drink. So I went to the nearest convince store and got a soda. The cashier was acting weird. This is what he said, "Hey, what do you want?! A machete to kill that bitch that nuked Kentucky?!" Then he paused, and sighed, as if he was about to say something else. During those seconds that felt like days, i was cheerfully just breathing heavily, feeling scared, like I was out in the dark. Like, since when did they sell machetes at convince stores? Then he spoke again, "Sorry, my brother was on vacation in Kentucky when it got nuked. He is dead." Well that is all I got to say for now, it is midnight, and I need to try to get some sleep.

June 8, 2011

I wasn't able to update my journal recently. I was too busy, when I found a VHS tape. It said, "The Looney Tunes Show, The Universe Ends Copyright 1999" 1999? What does that even mean? I then went to my friends house and took the VHS tape with me. he told me that the tape has the exact episode that I saw. He got me the e-mail of a friend of his aunts, which is the CEO at cartoon network studios. I will e-mail him tomorrow. Bye for now.

June 10, 2011

I e-mailed the CEO. I will get to that later. It is about 4:56 in the morning. Anyways, I saw a mysterious gray figure murdering my friend. When I realized this by seeing a disembodied arm on my front yard getting my news paper. I couldn't believe it! When i caught the grey figure's gaze, it was so creepy. His eyes....are just dark hollow holes. He was holding up a bloody scalpel. He pointed to it with his big claw on his hand, and nodded, as if to tell me that I was next. I bolted away and just packed my things into my van and just abandoned my house to live in my van. I have all that I need in my van. Oh and about the e-mail, here is the exact e-mail word for word "Hey, ****, about that Looney Tunes show episode. That was the first episode made by a maniac that worked in the CN studios for 3 years. In '99, his final year, he suggested this show to us. After rejecting it two times, he made this violent episode. We actually burned the original copy, we have no idea of how your friend rediscovered it."

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