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Hello. My name is David. I am going to tell you about what happened to "Daffy", or "Daphne". 
She was a friend of my father's, and I saw her very often. I am 26 now, but I am going to tell you what I remember.
I first met Daphne when I was 8. Back then, she was looking pretty good, or at least normal. She came to our house every Friday at 5 PM, to visit my dad. They both sat in our living room and talked about usual stuff.

I started to notice how her mood would change with the week of the month she visited us. The first week, she was always happy and talked like a normal person. However, the further the month
progressed, she became more sad and angry. She argued with my dad about the stupidest things.
One day, when it was the third week of the month, she told my dad she wanted to get surgery to make her beautiful. My dad told her she did not need surgery, but Daphne did not care about his opinion.
After that day, she did not show up for many weeks. My dad began to worry.
I did not really care, because I never really liked her. Everytime she visited and we sat together in the living room, she would look at me and smile, but with a kind of hatred in her eyes.

Anyway, my dad went to Daphne's house to see how she was. When he came back, he said that Daphne was dead. I was shocked, because I did not expect that. I asked how she died.

"She slit her throat with pieces of a broken mirror," he replied, depressively shaking his head.

Now, I was really shocked. Why would she have done that?

I just tried to rationalize her suicide. Things like that happen everyday, I told myself.

Later that night, I suddenly woke up from my slumber. I felt a little pain in my eyes, but I was sure it was just the fatigue. I noticed someone outside my window. I stood up to see what it was. It was a face. Daphne's face.

It was like her face, but very different. Her eyes were like circles, not like normal eyes, and her eyebrows were straight lines. Her cheeks appeared to be slightly swollen as well.

I wanted to turn the lights on, but when I turned around she was in front of the switch. She just smiled at me the same way she did when she visited us. Panicking, I fell on my back. I crawled away from her naked body, but she just laughed. I fainted from fear.

The last thing I heard was the sound of my mirror breaking. 

To this day I am sure that she killed herself because of the failed beauty surgery, but that was not the end of her story. A few weeks later, my dad came home and told me that he found a box with photos from Daphne. He looked very scared. I opened the box and looked at the photos.

Hatena DevilAdded by Hatena Devil
She looked exactly the same like the face in my room.
As I looked at the details of the photos, I realized that every single photo had a time stamp. The weird thing was that the photos were according to the dates taken after Daphne's death.

Ever since I saw the photos, her face flashes before my eyes everytime I close them. I cannot sleep without taking pills. She has destroyed my life. I know you probably expected a way creepier story, but that is how it happened. Believe it or not. I am aware of Daphne's Facebook account, but that is just a fake one. She is dead, forever, but she still lives in the head of her victims.

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