Flesh-Colored Creature

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I was 16 or so when this happened. My best friend and I were having a sleepover, and it was getting real late at night. My bedroom door was right next to the back door with a small concrete porch, and a few steps into a big, dark backyard. 

We were just sitting inside when I heard a small commotion outside my window, and immediately I jumped up to investigate. I could see something moving on the porch, but it was hard to tell what it was from the angle. I decided to go check the backdoor, though my friend insisted that I stay in the bedroom. Instead, I opened the back door so that I could see through the flimsy, screen door. What I saw terrified me, to say the least.

There was a flesh-colored creature sitting on its hind legs, hunched over and sounding as if it were eating something. It had pointy ears that were flat against its head, and long spines straight down its back. It turned its head and was holding some kind of animal, possibly a cat or rabbit, which was bloodied and mutilated at this point. It had a long snout and dropped it, turned around, and looked at me. Of course, I slammed the door shut, locked it, and ran back into my bedroom. I could hear it scratching and banging at the back door and making strange throaty noises for nearly five full minutes before running off. Once it did, I ran outside with my camera (much to the dismay of my friend) and hid in the bushes on my porch, hoping it would come back for the rest of the animal. After a few minutes it did, running straight past me on two legs to grab it. 

I was ready to take a picture but it stopped and sniffed the air, and turned to look at me. I only saw its face for a split second, but I remember it clearly. It had rows of sharp teeth and a snarling expression, with dark eyes and a contrasting dark brown around its face. It was maybe 5 or 6 feet if it would have stood up completely straight. I was petrified, though it just stood there looking in my direction. As it took a step I chucked my camera in another direction to distract it, and it looked at that for a moment before running past me again, turning its head to snarl at me before it ran away, jumping clear over my fence.

I still never found out what it was. It had no fur and was huge, with feet the size of my head and it looked like some awful mix between a werewolf and an alien. There’s nothing I regret more than not getting a picture of it, but I’ll never forget what it looked like.

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