Awkward Level: Minimum

74 2 1

"Yo, Kid. Wake up!" Someone softly shook Jungkook but roughly enough to wake him. Jungkook groaned a little and slowly opened one eye.
The grudge was standing right above him. (╥﹏╥) He gave off a girly scream and pushed the person away.  The person toppled over and must have fell on a trigger because darts flew past Jungkook's face. Only a few centimeters away from the tip of his nose.

Jungkook fainted.
The person slowly got up and cautiously walked over to the side of the bed. "Oops." (。ŏ_ŏ)


"Kid? You alright? Don't play like that, it's not funny nor cool." The person cautiously stood near the bed and reached over to lightly shake him and almost immediately, Jungkook grabbed the person's outstretched arm and flipped them onto the bed.

He sat on the person and held a small dagger to their throat. He opened his eyes and gulped. The person was holding a gun to his face. "Look kid you may be fast but I'm not exactly as slow as I look."
Jungkook looked at the person behind the gun and realized it was a girl. "Now get off of me please, or I'll scream." Jungkook realized the position they were in and he rolled off the girl and onto the floor.

He hit his head and let out a little groan. He looked up at the girl and realized that she looked familiar. "Do I know you?" The girl smirked and shrugged. "Well, that depends. Where were you on March 3, approximately around 6 pm?"

Jungkook though hard and then it snapped into him. "No way." He shook his head and scooted back a little. The girl pointed the gun at him. He widened his eyes and the girl sheepishly grinned and placed the gun down. "Um, I wouldn't scoot back any further, unless you want to be chopped into pieces."

Jungkook looked behind him and saw that there was a very thin string right behind him. He followed the string and it went up to the wall, and was connected to...he gulped....axes.

The girl smiled a bit and nodded. "Yeah, I'm a bit overprotective." Jungkook was still thinking about the other topic. "Wait, your the girl at the drug dealing after school, the one that ran away? What were you doing there?" Jungkook looked at her and she shrugged.

"My friend forced me to come since I had nothing better to do. But the question here is, what were you doing there?" The girl answered. Jungkook maintained his facial expression.
"I stayed for an after school program when these kids thought I was apart of it and dragged me along." The girl nodded and stretched an arm out in front of her.

"Hi, I'm Serene." She hesitated on saying her name but Jungkook didn't notice.
"W-wait, your names Serene? Were you the one who..." Serene looked at him confused. "Was I the one that what?"

Jungkook shook his head and cleared his throat. "No, never mind. It couldn't have been you, why would a girl like you be in a dark alley."
Serene raised an eyebrow and put on the 'bitch say what?' face. Serene put her arm down and looked at Jungkook.

"And why would a pretty boy like you be doing here?" That got to Jungkook and made him shut up.

"Pretty boy?"


Yelling came from the other side of the door in their room. She was immediately at the door and listening when Jungkook tensed up and stayed quiet.
"Who cares if you don't trust the guest. Serene said to trust him and I'm doing it, unless you want to anger her. We know how that ended for you last time." An angry voice shouted, it sounded like someone but Jungkook rolled his eyes, it couldn't have been.

Serene had a worried yet Stern face. Another voice answered the first one. "But we just barely meet him and let him take the leaders room. You know how dangerous that is for her and to all of us."

"Why you littl---" It sounded like they were going to start throwing punches but Serene immediately opened her door and ran out, the door swinging shut on its own.
"What's going on here?" Serene sounded like a confused angry 2 year old.

"S-Serene? Go back inside, we were just talking about something. You don't want the leader in here and finding out that you're out of your room during bed time." Someone made fun of Serene and a couple snickers could be heard.
"Oh yeah? What if I told you that if you guys keep on fighting...I'll have your balls served on the platter." Serene had angrily whispered the last part and immediately the snickering stopped.

Jungkook couldn't hear anything because he had gotten a text from Jimin.

Hey Baby ❤ How's life? I really, truly miss you. What are you gonna do without me there to protect you?

Don't get your hopes up, Oppa ❤, I can't handle myself.

What about in bed?

Jungkook snorted and replied with sarcasm, even though all of the others were also sarcastic.

I'm sorry Oppa❤ but unfortunately you're not here. Also, your way to old for me, in bed and it will count as rape.

Baby❤ Don't play like that. Oh crap, my friends are going to fight but my other friend just stopped it.

Fine then, guess I'll just handle myself in bed.

He smirked and turned his phone off. There was a knock on his door and Serene called into the room.
"Yo, pretty boy. No one's out here, you can come out and help me cook if you want."

Jungkook got up and walked towards the door. He opened it and stopped. Serene's face was a bit to close to his, very close.
"Yo, pretty boy? You alright?" Serene asked a little worried. Jungkook's face had flashed red and his breathing started hitching.

Jungkook looked down and answered. "Y-yeah, it's just um...could you please scoot back a bit?" Serene's eyes widened and she took a couple hundred steps back. "Sorry, I didn't mean to get to close."

Jungkook let out his breath and inhaled deeply. "I'll be in the kitchen, it's down there and then take a right." She pointed towards the very far side of the warehouse. Then she sprinted all the way there and gave one last look to Jungkook and walked in.

Jungkook let out a deep breath.

Things are gonna be really awkward.


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