[Kris] Mine

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Kris every girl could wish for.He's handsome, tall, and sexy, everything about him is good. Well, except the fact that he's a player. HU~GE player in our school. Kris would get bored with his "boy toy" a week after or even a day especially when the girl is annoying the hell out of him. *sigh* It's a good thing I never fell for him because if I did, I would definitely without a doubt kill myself.

"WU YI FAN IS A HEARTBREAKER!!!!!" I screamed on top of my lungs. Well, that was a good stress reliever. Currently, I'm in a soundproof room and this place is my secret hideout. If I didn't scream my problem, I would let it out on Kris. I would've killed him with my bare hands.

Kris is actually the apocalypse of my life...

"Hey, Hyo Rim! What the hell are you doing here slacking? You need to study, young lady!"

And he's my private tutor. =_______= the truth hurts, folks. It's better not to hear it or else you'll go crazy. It's true and based on my experience.

"Hyo Rim!!!! Get the hell out of there or I'll scream 'till your eardrums bleed to death." He threatened and pressed the red button on the controls which open the microphone outside the room I'm in.

"THEN GO AHEAD AND SCREAM YOUR HEART OUT!!" I shouted as my answer.

Kris smirked. "With pleasure."

He took a deep breath and screamed. It's a good thing I brought my earplugs with me so I'm good to go. Scream all you want, Wu Yi Fan, because you're the one who's gonna lose it.

After a few more minutes, Kris deeply inhaled and exhaled. He looked pale. Haha, he really did scream his heart out. Woohoo~ fooled you again, Krisus!! >0<

"Okay, Hyo Rim. You win. Now get out of that hellish place or I'll carry you forcefully." He said, still catching his breath.

I shook my head stuck my tongue out like a three year old. "No way~"

Kris' eyebrows met. Uh-oh, this is not good. Krisus is mad at me now~

He opened the door and my eyes widened. I took the drum sticks and pointed it at Kris. "Kris, don't move a muscle. I have drum sticks. I swear I'll kill you with this thing-y."

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