[Luhan] Shower XD

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A/N: Hahahha! Guys~ There is NO Mature Content in this Chapter! NONE! =D @JarraMelanieGarpidaC Requested This. It's just SEXY and FUNNY ~ hahahah! arraseo?! Bwahahhaha! FUNNY && SEXY~ 


Jarra's POV 

You hummed a happy tune while showering. Today’s shower was refreshing indeed. The water temperature was just right and it left your skin feeling refreshed.

Sighing you realized that it was time for shampoo. That meant that your shower time was coming to an end.

You threw your head back into the water and broke out into a song. Then you reached for your shampoo bottle. Surprisingly it wasn’t there.

You opened your eyes a little to see that it was moved to the other side. It was probably Luhan since you guys lived together. He had a tendency to move stuff around. You knew that very well because you guys had been dating for a year and a half.

You were right about to grab the shampoo bottle when all of a sudden a huge spider came out from behind. You screamed so loud that the whole neighborhood could practically hear you. You screamed so loud that you scared yourself. This caused you to slip in the shower and fall on your bottom.

”Jarra. Jarra! Are you alright?"Luhan asked worriedly. 

He walked into the bathroom but was still far from the shower.

You hid yourself behind the shower curtain.

"L-Luhan …" You called.

He came closer.

You were covered now so it didn’t matter. You just wanted the spider killed and you wanted it killed now.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"There’s a huge spider in the shower and it’s scaring me. Could you kill it?" You said tentatively. 

Luhan peered into the shower but turned his head away from you. Even from a far distance you could see him blushing. You were blushing too but you knew Kai wasn’t that kind of guy so you relaxed a bit.

Luhan coughed awkwardly. At times like this he tried to lighten the atmosphere with jokes. It was like his talent. He always managed to make you laugh.

"You know Jarra, I thought you called my name to invite me to shower with you."  Luhan chuckled.

He grabbed a napkin and almost smashed the spider but it moved.

You shrieked.

Luhan sighed, “So close."

He spotted the spider again and continued talking.

"But instead you ask me to kill a spider for you." Luhan shook his head.

You glared at him and he turned his attention to you.

He raised his hands up, “Just saying!"

Your eyes widened.

"Luhan the spider!" You reminded him.

Luhan looked around and smirked. He finally got the spider where he wanted. He grabbed the napkin and swiftly killed it.

"Got it." Luhan grinned.

"Yay …" You managed to cheer from behind the shower curtain.

"Ok I’ll leave now. Continue taking your shower. You stink." Luhan stuck his tongue out.

You glared at him again. You suddenly had the urge to smack Luhan's head but decided against it.

"You stink for not letting me take a shower with you!" Luhan finished.

You continued glaring at him.

"Tao asks the members to shower with him all the time!"Luhan pouted.

"Do I look like Tao to you? Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to finish my luxurious shower." You sighed.

"Okay I’ll stop teasing. Continue with your shower." Luhan laughed as he shut the door.

You sighed and chuckled to yourself.

Maybe Luhan was that kind of guy after all. =D

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