[Sehun] Lollipop

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"Jaaaagggiii~ Wake up.. Breakfatht ith ready" Sehun said while shaking Jaenette's arms so she'll wake up.

"Hmmm.." Jaenette just hummed.

"Jaaaggii.. Get up now.. You thtill need to brush your teeth and eat the breakfatht I prepared." he said.

"Arasseo." Jaennete said and covered her face with the pillow.

Sehun pouted. He removed the pillow and pecked her lips. The Jagi blushed at her boyfriend's cute actions. He pulled her out of bed. He wrapped his arms around her waist while they are walking downstairs. Sehun went to the table and said..

"Tadaaaa! For you, Jagi. Tharanghaeyo" he said.

"Nado." Jaenette smiled and pecked his lips.

They ate breakfast while feeding each other. After eating, they decided to watch tv. Jaenette grabbed a lollipop before going to the living room. She licked the lollipop and put the whole candy on her mouth. Sehun is just watching her instead of watching the show.

"Jagi?" Sehun asked.

"Hm?" Jaenette said and blinked at him.

"Can I have thome?" Sehun said and used his grabby hands.

"We'll buy one later, sweetie." Jaenette said and ruffled his hair.

"But jagi. I want that one." he said and pointed at the lollipop Jaenette is nomming.

"But this is mine and I finished it already." she said and pulled the stick out of her mouth.

Sehun pouted and crossed his arms.

"But jagi, can i still have it?" he said.

The jagi was kinda confused at what Sehun said.

"E-Eh? How?" she asked.

Sehun leaned closer. He hugged his jagi's waist and pressed his lips on hers. He licked her cavern and he can still taste the sweetness of the lollipop. She slowly returned the kiss at him and wrapped her arms on his neck. He pressed his lips deeper. He can feel that his jagi is catching for air. But what he did is blow air on her mouth -.-

Minyoung can't take it anymore and laughed out loud making Sehun confused.

"J-Jagi?" he blinked.


He pouted and pulled her into another kiss as a punishment (?) That made her shocked tho. But like always, she returned the kiss. The taste of the lollipop is slowly disappearing cause it's replaced by the taste of their mixed saliva. They both pulled out for air after that long kiss.

.. awkward silence ..

.. really awkward ..

"I like the lollipop, Jaaaggii. Let'th eat lollipop like that alwayth. It'th tho fun. And deliciouth" he said.

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