-Katelyns birthday-

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Aphmau's POV
I woke up trembling in fear. "It's Katelyns birthday today. I wonder what we're going to do."I mumbled out loud to myself."Katelyn~ Are we still going out for your birthday?" I asked. "I guess so! This time I get to pick and we don't need to go to the MAID CAFE'!"She yelled pointing at Kawaii chan. "But it was Kawaii-chans turn to choose where we eat! Kawaii-chan Is sorry Katelyn-sama doesn't like the Maid Cafe'!" Kawaii chan said. "I want to go to Freddy Faz Bears Pizza!" Katelyn shouted. I tried not to say anything but didn't want them to get suspicious, so I blurted out: "Isn't it that one creepy Pizza place a couple blocks away?" Katelyns eyes glimmered. "More so the reason to go!" Then she added on "I'm going to get ready and invite the guys, be back down here in 15!"
Just saying every paragraph is a time
When we arrived I looked at the building. I read: welcome to Freddy Faz Bears Pizza! Then there was a pic of Freddy holding a microphone. We walked up to the glass doors and opened them. I'm surprised they haven't shattered yet. There were kids running around all over the restaurant, and the robots on stage were singing, playing guitar, and dancing. While the wrest were serving and taking orders. "Welcome to Faz Bears pizza! How many are with you?" I heard a rusty voice say, walking toward us. "11." Katelyn replied. (Garroth, Lawrence (autio correct XD) Dante, Travis, Aph, Katelyn, Kawaii-chan, Lucinda, Aaron, Zane, and Cadenza.) Then foxy led us to our seats. I was a huge table with 12 chairs. It was towards the arcade. Everybody split into their own conversations until food got to the table. We went through 5 pizzas (I'm to lazy to do math XD) in like 30 seconds. This spot was uncomfortable. It's where Andy loves to go. By the time we left if was 6:00pm. We all meant up at our house when we got home. "Kawaii-Chan made Katelyn-samas favorite type of cookie!"Kawaii-chan said, bringing the tray of cookies out to the living room. "Well what are we going to do?! Just sit here?!" Zane yelled. Garroth punched him. "I was just about to ask what every one wanted to do." Katelyn said, but Lucinda, Cadenza, and Dante were sleeping. Dante had a cookie in his mouth as well.

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