Dumb Fanfic Moments #2

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_The only acceptable pairings for Hunger Games fanfictions are Annie/Finnick, Clove/Cato, Glimmer/Marvel, Foxface/Thresh, and, of course, Katniss/Peeta. Because why be original when you can copy other people's story lines and materials and be derivative as fuck? 

-Delly Cartwright is always the school slut and don't you dare write her as otherwise. Basically no matter what Delly will always get hate in the comments, for no apparent reason. Like you'll look in the comments and it'll be like:

Everlark5Ever: OMG, Delly  actually ate LUNCH? In the CAFETERIA? With her cool, popular friends? What a bitch! OMG plz kill her off next chapter?

Like bro... Are you okay? No, like really....are you okay? I'm concerned... 

-Katniss always ends up being the star of her music class. And the music class is always taught in the most random, unprofessional way possible. Here, take this little scene for instance;

"Okay class, today we are going to be coming up in front of the class and singing a solo of your choice. Whatever you want, just do it. Hmm, now let's see, who do we have first? Ahh, how about... Katniss Everdeen?"

I take a deep breath before getting up from my seat and walking over to where our teacher was standing on the platform.

"Okay Katniss, what song will you be singing today?"

"Umm..." I say, hesitating for a minute as I think. "Worth it by Fifth Harmony." (Because fifth harmony always manages to weasel their way into a Hunger Games story 99.9 and a half percent of the time.)

"Okay, go on then. Whenever you're ready." Ou teacher says, beaming at me. I smile back and take another big breath before opening my mouth and starting to sing. Once I'm done nearly everyone in the amphitheater applauded me. Everyone except Delly and her gang of girls that is. And then suddenly Delly's gave twists into an ugly mask of pure anger and she comes stomping up to me in her ten inch heels. Once she's standing in front of me she picks up her foot and stamps her heel directly on my LEATHER BOOTED foot. I bite my lip to hold back a cry of pain as I stare at her in shock. She smirks evilly at me; tossing her light blonde hair over her shoulder.

"Nice singing there, Catpiss. Too bad it wasn't as good as mine will be." Delly winked at me before turning on her heel and flouncing back in her seat. I'm desperately holding back tears and I look over at our teacher for support but, of course, our teacher hadn't noticed anything that had just happened between Delly and me.

OK, first of all, it's Delly and I.* Second of all, your teacher sucks ass and needs to be fired because she isn't teaching nor is she looking after the kids in your class. At all. The school board really doesn't have standards anymore...

-It's as if Katniss always has an onion that she carries around with her and cuts, because she is always turning on the waterworks. It's like Sea World up in here, I stg.

"Katniss, you're going to be late to school." My mother called out to me loudly and beightly form downstairs. My eyes begin to fill with tears as I hurriedly curled my hair; desperate to finish before I got downstairs and have breakfast. God, my mother never gives me enough time to get ready. Honestly she's just the worst! *sniffle* Ouch! And I burned myself too! Great... This just makes the tears come faster.

"Oh, sorry Katniss, but Primmy got the last of the milk." My step-father Plutarch tells me apologetically and I glance over at Prim munching happily on her freshly milked cereal and I feel tears prickling the backs of my eyes. It's not fair! It's just not fair. Why must my life be so awful? Ugh!

"Oh, Katniss; we have to go back home. I forgot my phone." My little sister Prim tells me once we've gotten into the car and turned off of our seat. My eyes begin to feel hot and I feel a single tear slip down my cheek slowly at the thought that Prim actually forgot her phone. She just...forgot it. And left it there. All alone. At home. By itself. 

Plot twist; Katniss isn't really crying. It's just severe allergies.

-Katniss is a complete and utter helpless little bitch.

Delly slaps me in the face before grabbing me tightly by my dark brown locks and tugging me forward before pushing me so that my face slams directly into my locker. I hear a sickening crunch and vaguely register the feeling of thick wet liquid running down my upper lip. Delly then proceeds to claw and punch and kick at my back while I just stand there, completely drained of all my energy, all because I finally came up with a comeback to throw at her.

Katniss, you need to man up and grow some balls. You're annoying. Stahp.

-Peeta Mellark is the school's bad boy, but honestly the only thing bad in this story are the teachers and the school in general. Like listen to this;

I'd heard a lot about this so called 'bad boy' Peeta Mellark. I heard he does drugs, smokes up, drinks, and gets into constant fights anywhere and everywhere on the school grounds. I don't know what I was expecting when I walked into my English class, but I can tell you that I wasn't expecting to see some blonde bimbo sat more than comfortably in Peeta's lap, wriggling her hips and kissing him with vigor, little soft moans coming from her every now and then as his hands guided her hips back and forth on his lap.

Let me get this straight; Peeta and this blonde girl are filming something that could go up on Redtube and their English teacher is completely fine with it? No complaints? At all?? I can tell you what I was expecting here Katniss, I was expecting you to walk into English class, sit down, and LEARN SOMETHING. Well, I guess you are learning something in a way. This is one of those 'higher education' schools, is't it? ;)

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