Dumb Fanfic Moments 4

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-Underage and in need of a good time in a fictional world? No problem. We have got your back my friend. Not only will your parents let you wander  off with your shady group of friends at half past 10 at night and not ask any questions about what you're doing, where you're going or when you'll  be back, but we'll also make it so that you can order as many 20$ cosmos and shots as you want, without much money to pay for them or any I.D. necessary. Fanfiction, a place where every teenager's dream can finally come true. Start now and get a 30 day free trial.

"God, I am so fat!" Katniss exclaimed in shock and disgust as she examined her of average height, perfectly purportioned, slender yet curvy body.

Mhmm, I believe you, Kat. 

-Every guy in the story hits on Katniss. Nevermind they have beautiful and fun girlfriends of their own, they just HAVE to hit on Miss Katniss Everdeen, for no reason at all.

"Hey, nice legs, baby." Gale said in a sexy, slightly husky voice, winking sensually at me. I glance down at my long, flowy bohemian hippie skirt and realize how much it really revealed. I blush and lower my gaze to the sidewalk.

What does it reveal exactly? Your ankles??

I blame Gale's reaction on the ridiculous dress codes our schools have now. Smh.

-Every guys Katniss meets smirks at her, grins smugly, or smiles sensually. Get your mind out of the gutter Kat, they were just greeting you a good morning, stop reading too much into this.

-Katniss always forgives Peeta no matter how horribly be treats her.

"Oh baby, of course I forgive you!" Katniss squealed, giggling happily as she flung herself into Peeta's waiting arms. So what if he has tried to kill her mother and had accidentally run over Prim's cat, Buttercup, with his Jeep? It was all okay now, because Katniss loved him. And that would never, ever change. No matter what.

Well, I admire your loyalty... At least you have that going for you.

-"Oh my gawd, it's One Direction" Annie, Clove, Glimmer, Johanna, Madge, Prim, my mother, Delly, Delly's gang of sluts, Mrs. Mellark, Effie, Principal Coin, Cressida, Finnick and I all squealed together excitedly in unison as That's What Makes You Beauitful began to play in the car.

... Finnick?? What you doing tho? O.o And God-damn 1D, if it isn't Fifth Harmony it's YOU. Can I get a bit of a break, please? I need a minute...

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