Chapter 32

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A/N: Special guest character :D :D Also something for Scomiche shippers ;) (Damn I hope I spelt that right :o)

Chapter 32

1:30 pm
6 hours and 30 minutes remaining.

"You know Mitch, everything is just going too well right at this minute, and usually something goes wrong. Like in the movies, it's never this easy... not that it's been easy but do you know what I mean?" Scott raises an eyebrow, sitting down beside Mitch on the end of the double bed.
     "Honey, you lost me about a minute ago," he sighs, looking up slightly at the tall blonde man beside him.
     "I'm sorry," Scott frowns, turning away from him. "It's just I still can't believe everything that's happened. We're in the final round, I was here last year and I won, but this is different, this is so much better and I just care so much more."
     "I think I know what you mean there," Mitch nods. "I don't understand it, but I can see how it would affect you differently. You're with four people that actually care about you this time. This is a group that you were instrumental in starting. It means so much more because none of us can be replaced, our group is our group and that is that."
     "What do you mean by that?"
      "Well there's five of us, you, me, Avi, Kirstie and Kevin. And if we lose it will still be, you, me, Avi, Kirstie and Kevin. We are not the Warblers who will kick someone else and bring in fresh blood if we lose, we are a group of five friends who will grow and only get stronger together."
     "I really like that, you are so going to be pep talking before today's performance because that's truly beautiful what you just said," Scott smiles at Mitch.
     Mitch starts to blush as he looks down. "Hey Scott, can I ask you something... or well say, get your opinion... I don't know, just let m-"
     "Just talk Mitchie," he chuckles.
     "I never really understood why you stood up for me at those warbler try-outs way back when," he chuckles a little, looking up at Scott.
      "Well simple, I had to. They were totally unreasonable and you had, have an amazing voice."
      "And also they didn't even give Avi a shot, major missed opportunity for them there. But thank-you," he smiles.
     "I bet they were kicking themselves," Scott laughs. "And besides, I kind of really liked you."
      "Well that's sweet, because we're great friends now."
     "No Mitch... I didn't mean like that. I meant I kind of had... have a crush on you... And that was really hard to say, like nerve-wracking, so please say something back."
      "What? I thought... You're gay?"
      "Yeah, did you not know that?"
      "Did the Warblers not?"
      "Well no. I'm being smart Mitch. You're the first person I've told, well except Kirstie but I didn't actually tell her and she doesn't actually know, but I think she does. Besides I wasn't about to come out for those jerks, I didn't want them to be the first to know. But I care about you... and yeah I'm gay and I have been since probably forever."
      "Wow," Mitch smiles, pulling Scott down for a big bear hug, squeezing him tightly. "I like you too Scott, a lot."
      "Lucky then." Scott leans in to press his forehead against Mitch's.
      "It's also a good thing you've sorted out the Kirstie and Avi sitch, because otherwise you'd be a total hypocrite," Mitch laughs, keeping his arms rested on Scott's broad shoulders.
      "That's why I couldn't speak to you until I had spoken to them. I actually think my harshness on them was sparked by my feelings for you... as cheesy as that sounds. I thought that if I told them that they couldn't be together because of the group that I'd believe it for you and me because I never thought you'd like me back."
      "That's actually kinda sweet, in its own way because people got hurt, but you know as long as it's all okay now then it's all just going to fall into place from here on out," the brunette smiles at the blonde, leaning in to lightly press his lips to his.
     Scott smiles into the kiss before he pulls away, "As much as I'd love to keep doing this, because you have no idea how long I've wanted t-"
      Mitch breaks into a smirk, "Oh you're telling me," he chuckles.
      "Of course, but as I said, I would love to keep doing this but we should find the others and run through dog days a couple more times before tonight."
      He nods, "I totally agree, this can be put on hold for now. But just so you know, Kevin's sleeping there tonight," he points over at the single bed. "And I'm sleeping here," he pats his hands down either side of him, still smirking up at Scott.
      "That's fine by me," Scott smiles.

3:55 pm
4 hours and 5 minutes remaining.

The five members of Pentatonix stand out the auditorium waiting their turn to go in and use to the stage for a run through of their performance. At five was sound check, but this was the more important thing right now.
      "Oh! HA first PLACE I LOOKED!" someone yells out, making the members of Pentatonix jump in their spots, but not Avi. A big grin spreads across his face, he spins around and sprints over the person, picking them up in big bear hug.
      Kirstie turns around and her face falls into the most massive frown when she sees a girl. A girl she didn't know. "Who's that?" she asks sourly.
      Kevin sighs with his answer, but it was a sad sigh, or a surprised sigh... it was, "Esther," then his own face drops, but nowhere near as noticeably as Kirstie's had, "And she brought he boyfriend... yay."
      "How's my baby brother!" Esther almost squeals into the tight squeeze she still had Avi in.
      Kirstie relaxes, "That's funny, real funny... I actually forgot he had a sister," she laughs nervously and takes a deep breath, and bends over to lean on her knees. "I'm not gonna lie, I freaked for a second there," she nods, looking up at the other members, gazing at Kevin for just a bit longer, noticing the look he was giving Avi's sister, he really liked her but it was the kind of look that said he was never ever going to be able to tell her that.

A/N: Well that ended a little more negatively than I would have hoped but yeah there it is, Chapter 32 and we're getting closer to competition time woo! :D
I also hope that I did okay with the whole Scott coming out to Mitch part, because I've never written anything like that and it made me really nervous that someone might get mad if I did it all wrong :/

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