Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on Eoin Colfer's "Artemis Fowl" and I own none of the characters, except for Jade Haneu. The plot is also mine.


So I finally decided to get off my lazy butt and finish editing the last section of Chapter 10. I think my writer's block is fading, which is great for this story and anything else I decide to do! I'm really sorry for the late update of this chapter, and just to make up to you, I've already finished chapter 11 and will be uploading that soon, if I actually bother edit it soon, I hope I do. If I break my promise yet again, I'm sorry. Anyway, enough of me rabbiting on, I'll shut up now. 

Hope you enjoy! 



Holly was sprawled over a couch at the back of the shuttle, sitting in front of a vast array of equipment, most of which the likes of, the LEP had never seen. There was a screen in front of her, into which she gazed blankly at, and as if on cue, Opal’s face suddenly flashed onto the screen, malignant as ever.

“Why hello, Holly,” spat Opal. “I see that you have been captured by my dashing partner in crime, Jade. How does it feel, to be outsmarted again?”

Holly, still under the influence of the drug, didn’t seem to understand her and instead, smiled lopsidedly.

“Jade!” Opal screeched when she saw this. “You gave her too much of the drug! I told you to be careful with the elf, or it wouldn’t work properly!”

Jade shrugged. “She’s a feisty one, she is. If I put her under any less medication, she would’ve escaped. This is the best I can do.”

Opal sighed. “You always have to mess up my plans, dear, couldn’t you be a bit more careful next time?”

Jade nodded his head in fake remorse. “Of course, dearest Opal. Do we continue the plan as normal?”

She smirked. “Yes, of course, my plans never fail. Mesmerise her now, then let the drug wear off for ten minutes before you begin the transmission. Do you remember the exact wording I told you? It has to be exact, or knowing you, some slip of the tongue will mean she finds a loophole and escapes.”

“Yes, yes, Opal. I’ve repeated it so many times to you already.” Jade sighed.

Opal was slightly taken aback by this flippant rejection, but swallowed it, probably for the first time in her entire life. Only for Jade. “Very well. I shall be watching.”

Jade began the mesmer. But Holly just dozed off instead. Jade slapped her across the face. She shot up, her face an amusing mixture of shock and drowsiness.

“Stay awake and focus, dumb fairy!” Jade muttered angrily, rubbing his hand.

He started the mesmer, occasionally pausing to remember exactly what he had to say. Opal listened in from the receiver, nodding every once in a while.

“Done,” sighed Jade, exhausted. He watched Holly carefully, waiting for something to happen. Opal shuffled on her seat in her jail cell, also watching intently, covering her wrist every once in a while to hide the technology from the guards walking past. Holly just stared into the distance, glassy eyed and unmoving.

Jade started twiddling his thumbs nervously, wondering if he really had put her under too much medication and how badly Opal would punish him and hate him for this mistake. He was about to speak up, when Holly twitched. Just slightly, it would’ve been unnoticeable if she had not been completely still. The two conspirators watched, as Holly started to come out of the trance she was in. She suddenly tensed, then took a groggy look around the room. Her face creased for a second, her eyebrows arching and a vein stood out on her forehead. Sweat started to form as her mind was pulled in two different directions, two different wills. But resistance was futile and her expression eventually settled out into a calm, albeit dazed expression. She looked calmly at Jade, then at Opal in the receiver, who were both still observing her carefully.

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