Chapter 12

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Hey All!

I know, I know, I've been a terrible jerk for not uploading for a few months. But you know. Exams get in the way of my writing schedule, also losing my entire story plan is a bit of a setback as well. Anyways, I finally finished this chapter, which just happens to concide with Christmas and all that :) So this is my humble Christmas gift to you all. Once again, apologies for not updating sooner and Merry Christmas! Enjoy your celebrations :)


(Also, if you spot any errors, please point them out, I didn't go over this as much as I usually do, so please bear with me).


Disclaimer: This fanfiction is based on Eoin Colfer's "Artemis Fowl" and I own none of the characters, except for Jade Haneu. The plot is also mine.


Fowl Manor, two years ago:

“...make yourself at home. I must attend to some things for Master Artemis for a short while, so feel free to take a look around. Just don’t upturn all the furniture, I’d have to put it all back in order and I’d prefer not to.” Butler left the room, chuckling at his own small joke.

Minerva entered the Fowl library, smiling at Butler’s humour. He really only made such jokes with her, which was what she truly valued in their friendship. She didn’t visit often, but when she did, there was never a dull moment when they were in each other’s company. There was more to the seemingly emotionless and uninteresting bodyguard than one would think.

The Fowl library was a quite big, with many ornate furnishings that even had Minerva impressed every once in a while, though she’d never admit it. She was admiring a huge portrait of Kurt Fowl the III when something about the fireplace caught her eye. There was something unusual about it, something out of place. Minerva had always been one for patterns; she could ace an abstract reasoning test without even trying. It was no wonder she saw it. There was a repeating pattern on the border of the limestone fireplace, looking closely, there was one tiny flaw in the pattern. Perhaps it was a workman’s fault, but it was unlikely. Really, she wouldn’t have noticed if she hadn’t been poking around at the side of the fireplace, trying to work out if the frame was real wood or fake and if it had been stolen from some other rich family a century or two ago. The difference in the border of the fireplace was very slight, the engravings consisted of a wide variety of painted leaves and flowers, but there was a nearly unnoticeable difference in the repeating pattern. Minerva slid her fingers over the engravings, searching, when she heard Butler approaching once again. Quickly, she turned to a nearby bookshelf and pulled out a book, pretending to study the complex diagrams drawn inside.

“Tea, Minerva? I was out pruning the garden when I realised that I hadn’t gotten you anything to drink!” Butler shook his head, smiling. “How careless of me, I hope you don’t mind.”

Minerva smiled. “No worries, Butler, thank you for bringing me refreshments, I appreciate it. How long until you are free? It’s been a while since we’ve had a nice chat.”

“Just a bit longer, I’ll finish up here, then we can go back down to my house by the shore. You know, this house feels rather empty without Master Artemis here.”

Butler’s face drooped for a second, and for that brief moment, Minerva could see how deeply wounded he was by Artemis’s disappearance. Two years, and still no sign of him, ever since that incident with the demon.

Before Minerva could say anything, however, Butler was back to his usual self. “Well, I’d best get on with it, time doesn’t wait for us, after all.” He strode out of the room, leaving Minerva alone again.

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