The Arrival of Mr. Potter

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The Arrival of Mr. Potter

Severus Snape was the potions master at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Every year was the same. New obnoxious children ready to torment him, breaking jars of ingredients, messing up potions, talking in class, and just being incompetent dunderheads. Severus glanced at the annoying students in question. He was about to look away, but then he saw him. Round glasses, shaggy black hair, and the telltale scar. Harry Potter. He looks just like James. Severus scowled bitterly, glaring right at him. Mr. Potter suddenly looks up. His eyes. Lily's eyes. Severus's eyes threaten to tear up, and he quickly looks away before the flashbacks can start. It was so long ago, but the pain was still fresh in his mind. So were those eyes. Her eyes. He tried in vain to push thoughts of Lily from mind, directing his gaze towards his shoes. Severus stared at his shoes until the sorting hat finished his stupid song, masking the pain he was feeling with a scowl. Severus lifts his head, and watches as all the other students go up and get placed into houses, and then, "Potter, Harry." It was Potter's turn. If he gets Slytherin... He waits in anticipation as the hat thinks. It seems to take forever, then the hat shouts out;

"GRYFFINDOR!" All the Gryffindors cheered, and Severus watched with a frown as Potter joined his new housemates. He sits down with his little Weasley friend and the Granger girl, grinning. Dumbledore gives his short speech and food suddenly appears. After a moment of shock, nearly everyone scarfs down their food as if they haven't had a meal in days. Severus picks at his steak and potatoes, watching, as Potter looked delightedly at all of the food, taking some of everything. The feast finishes and Potter looks up at the staff table, sleepily. He meets Severus's eyes. Severus notices Lily's eyes again, and feels a sharp pang of regret. Potter winces and puts his hand to his forehead, looking away. Potter starts to talk to his redhead friend and Severus looks away. He can feel Potter's gaze, but he ignores it. Dumbledore tells everyone more about Hogwarts. Severus, hoping Professor Dumbledore had forgotten, nearly groaned out loud when it was announced that everyone had to sing the school song. The students, some shy and others all too enthusiastic, all finished the song at different times. "Ah, music," Dumbledore says, "A magic beyond all we do here! And now, bedtime. Off you trot!" With that, everyone leaves the Great Hall to their respective dormitories, first years following prefects. Severus, being head of Slytherin house, heads to the dungeons, thinking spitefully about Mr. Potter all the way.

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