Quirrell's True Intentions

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Quirrell's True Intentions

Severus sat at the staff table, as pumpkins floated above his head, and thousands of live bats swooped and fluttered around the room, screeching. He was just about to take a bite of his Yorkshire pudding when Quirrell came sprinting in, his turban starting to unravel slightly, terror in his face, but also something else, something that Severus couldn't quite place. He ran over to Dumbledore and wheezed out, "Troll - in the dungeons - thought you ought to know." Then he promptly sank to the floor, out cold. There was a small moment where time seemed to stop, then there was total chaos. Everyone was screaming and running in every direction. Dumbledore shot purple firecrackers out his wand and everyone stopped, looking up in shock.

"Prefects, lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!" He said calmly, but firmly, and everyone got up and followed their house prefects. "Minerva, come with me, everyone else, split up and try to find the troll." Professor Dumbledore ordered.

Severus was just about to follow everyone else out and head to the dungeons when he saw Quirrell get up carefully, but not uncertainly, all signs of previous terror erased from his face. He headed to the hall leading to the third floor. Severus followed, staying close but out of sight. Quirrell walked straight to the room where Fluffy, the three headed dog, was waiting. He's going to try to steal the philosopher's stone. He thought angrily, I have to stop him.

Quirrell ducked through the door, Severus hot on his heels.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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