Chapter thirteen.
Seth's POV
I haven't seen kitty so angry in all the time I have known here. Not even when she caught me with Brooke.
I was going to leave her alone for awhile because I don't think that she would want to see me but my wolf is telling me different.
My wolf hasn't been wrong before so I decided to do what he asks which is to go and find her.
I followed my her scent out the back door into the woods. It wasn't that hard to find her.
When I saw Lucille I felt my heart clinch because she was crying. The moon goddess was right she does need me.
"Kitty what's wrong?" I asked while walking up behind her.
"What's wrong? I am a freak almond freaks." I couldn't believe my ears because that's not true.
She was now standing up looking at me. My kitty looked like she needs a hug. So I opened my arms; I hope that she is not to angry at me that she doesn't hug me back.
Just the through of her not wanting to hug me made me feel broken even though I deserve it if she doesn't.
Before I even new what was I was hit by something or should I say someone that almost knocked me on my ass.
It took me a second to find out that it was Lucille and she is holding on to me for dear life.
"Now you listen here Lucille you are not a freak at all. Your special and I am so lucky I got someone as special as you as my mate." I whispered in her ear.
What happened next I didn't expect. Lucille was kissing me and it's not just a peck it was a full on kiss.
After the kiss I couldn't stop the biggest smile that came to my face.
"My wolf wants me to mark you and I want to mark you too, that's if you don't mind?" Wow.
"I'll make you a deal if you mark me then I get to mark you as well." Lucille just nodded her head and before I could say anything else her teeth sank into my neck.
Now I have to say that it hurt like a mother fucker at first but after a while it felt nice.
Once she closed up her bite I knew that it was my turn and my wolf was jumping with joy.
Our mate still wanted us even after all the stuff that we have done to her. Or should I say all the stuff that I have done to her.
I bite into her neck and I when I did I felt complete like I could do anything. Like I am finally whole.
I also feel heaps more protective and possessive over Lucille which I don't know if it's a good or bad thing.
"You are now mine Titan and if see you so much as touch another girl in a more then friendly way I will let's just say you will be less of a man."
I couldn't help but gulp because I knew for a fact that she wasn't lying.
"I think the elders are finished now do you want to go inside to see what they have found?" I asked.
"Yeah let's go oh and can you please but me down now?" My kitty asked.
"I will after you answer me this question. Will you be my girlfriend?" Please say she says yes.
"Of course now lets go." She demanded.
Instead of putting her down on the ground I carried her to the elders office where I new they were all waiting for us.

One night changed everything
WerewolfLucille was changed into a werewolf aginist her will. When her parents found out they thought that she was a freak. So she ran away, then she stumbles into her mate named Seth. She doesn't know anything about werewolf laws, but she is about to find...